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Product Guide to Skin & Wound Care
- Publication Year:
- 2020
- Edition:
- 8th
- Author:
- Hess, Cathy
- Publisher:
- Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (LWW)
- 978-1-49-638809-4
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Choose the best possible skin and wound care products to support your patients’ skin health and wound healing, with the invaluable Product Guide to Skin and Wound Care, 8th Edition.
Listing 294 product in alphabetical order, this handy product guide for wound care practitioners across all practice settings offers detailed information—sizes, action, indications, contraindications, application, and removal information—so that your choices stay informed and accurate.
Know the purpose and use of skin and wound care products, to assist in the proper product choice, usage, and documentation:
NEW enhanced, full-color manufacturer photos of each product Offers the characteristics, function, and use of skin and wound care dressings, drugs, and devices, including classification of a particular condition
Offers an Alphabetical Wound Care Product Guide that illustrates:
Wound care product categories include: alginates, antimicrobials, cellular and tissue-based products, collagens, composites, contact layers, drugs, foams, hydrocolloids, hydrogels, negative pressure wound therapy, specialty absorptives, surgical dressings, transparent films, wound fillers, and other devices and products
Listing 294 product in alphabetical order, this handy product guide for wound care practitioners across all practice settings offers detailed information—sizes, action, indications, contraindications, application, and removal information—so that your choices stay informed and accurate.
Know the purpose and use of skin and wound care products, to assist in the proper product choice, usage, and documentation:
- NEW products to update your formulary choices, including sizes, action, indication, application and removal
- Offers concise reviews
Offers an Alphabetical Wound Care Product Guide that illustrates:
- Product information detailing action, indications, contraindications, application, and removal
- Reimbursement codes for products provided by manufacturers
- Many product references supporting products
Wound care product categories include: alginates, antimicrobials, cellular and tissue-based products, collagens, composites, contact layers, drugs, foams, hydrocolloids, hydrogels, negative pressure wound therapy, specialty absorptives, surgical dressings, transparent films, wound fillers, and other devices and products
- Offers a comprehensive listing of additional products; abdominal dressings and holders, compression bandage systems, conforming bandages, elastic bandage rolls, impregnated gauzes, nonimpregnated gauzes, packing strips, tapes and wound cleansers
- A must-have for any wound care practitioner; provides you with the easy-to-reference product details needed to move your practice forward and stay at the forefront of your field
- Platform:
- OvidSP
- Publisher:
- Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (LWW)
- Product Type:
- Book
- Author:
- Hess, Cathy
- 978-1-49-638809-4
- Specialty:
- Critical Care
- Dermatology
- Diabetes
- Emergency Medicine & Trauma
- Perioperative
- References
- Language:
- English
- Edition:
- 8th
- Pages:
- 491
- Publication Year:
- 2020
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