Legisway integrates with other applications to empower legal departments and gain full control of all legal processes and data of the business.

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Save time & cost

Focus on legal tasks that matter the most by automating repetitive administrative tasks and providing self-service to other departments.

Ensure consistency & accuracy

Thanks to APIs and connectors legal data is automatically synchronised across different applications with manual, error-prone data entry being a thing of the past.

Be a business partner

Produce effective, actionable business intelligence based on a wide array of relevant business sources and applications e.g. Salesforce or Microsoft Dynamics.

What are APIs and connectors?

While an Application Programming Interface (API) is the docking port enabling an application to share data, a connector integrates two applications by utilizing their respective APIs.

By means of APIs and connectors an application can be integrated with multiple other applications creating an automatically synchronised ecosystem with data exchange in a controlled manner.

By automatically retrieving legal data in Legisway from other internal applications like Salesforce and even external sources like the chamber of commerce, you streamline and automate legal processes and data exchange, saying Goodbye to time-consuming manual work and human errors.


How to connect your solutions to Legisway?

Whether the integration is carried out by your IT team or by Legisway, we offer several levels of service depending on your needs:

  • Legisway API: Using our detailed API documentation and the support from our Consultants, your IT team or service providers will be able to develop custom integrations.
  • Standard integrations: defined and developed by Wolters Kluwer (SalesForce, SAP, Microsoft Dynamics, SAP, DocuSign, AdobeSign…), ready to implement as an industry standard solution.
  • Made-to-measure integrations: starting from a standard integration, adjusted to fit your specific needs.
  • Bespoke integrations: fully bespoke integrations based on your needs, guided by our team from start to end.

At Legisway, we understand that each company has different objectives and needs, systems and processes. Therefore, we consider the needs specific to your business to offer the integrations that suit you best. 


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