Empower your nurses with evidence-based Lippincott® Solutions New Zealand  

Nurse leaders must continuously raise the bar on clinical excellence while improving staff engagement, navigating turnover, and training the nursing workforce of the future. When they lead with Lippincott, nurse leaders can combine learning and point-of-care decisions into a single workflow — helping nurses practice more consistently and more confidently. 

Video thumbnail Working together to implement Lippincott® Procedures across New Zealand
Empowering nurses with evidence-based clinical resources

Variation of care between hospitals and finding the latest evidence-based knowledge at the point of care are two of the biggest challenges facing nurses across New Zealand hospitals.

Lippincott Solutions New Zealand puts up-to-date, localised, evidence-based clinical resources and nursing procedures into the hands of novice nurses, senior nurses, and nurse leaders to support clinical decision-making and standardised patient care.
  • South Island Workforce Development Hub. 
  • Waikato District Health Board 
We wanted to be consistent in terms of patient care that was evidence-based—keeping the patient at the forefront of our rationale for all of this. We looked at what was available in the market, the clinical staff reviewed that again, and chose Lippincott Procedures. 
Kate Rawlings, Programme Director
“Lippincott Procedures has taken us into the 21st century. We’ve never had the majority of the nurses who work in a district health board, in primary health, in aged residential care and students, having access to the same procedures, based on the same evidence, research and best practice.” 
Sue Hayward, Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer 

Solutions in action

Find out how nurses and clinicians access and use Lippincott Solutions New Zealand’s evidence-based, best practice information to make informed decisions when caring for patients. 

Close up of concave acrylic glass surface, with hexagon texture and light effects
Watch Video
Lippincott Solutions in Action: COPD
Close up of concave acrylic glass surface, with hexagon texture and light effects
Lippincott Solutions in Action: Sepsis
Close up of concave acrylic glass surface, with hexagon texture and light effects
Lippincott Solutions in Action: Heart Failure
Close up of concave acrylic glass surface, with hexagon texture and light effects
Lippincott Solutions in Action: Stroke
Lead nursing transformation and build a sustainable culture of learning with Lippincott Solutions New Zealand  
Increase nursing competencies, bolster bedside decision-making, improve care consistency, and help build nursing confidence. Lippincott’s cloud-based, integrated solutions give nurses instant access to the clinical information they need to make point-of-care decisions. Whether navigating onboarding, transition-to-practice, competency, or updated policies and procedures, Lippincott gives nurses current, evidence-based information.  

Lippincott Solutions New Zealand demo 

Contact us to know how we can improve patient care and outcomes. 

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