Navigating the complexities of modern healthcare requires more than just innovative solutions—it demands meaningful, strategic collaboration.
At Wolters Kluwer, we believe partnerships are a powerful force for transformation, enabling us to unlock new potential to enhance patient outcomes and streamline care delivery.
By aligning with organizations that share our dedication to advancing healthcare, we empower clinicians and care teams with the tools and insights needed to make confident, timely decisions that truly make a difference.
The ‘why’ behind our vision
At Wolters Kluwer, we recognize the importance of unified solutions that accommodate the entire care delivery and patient journey. For decades UpToDate®, the market-leading clinical decision support (CDS) suite of solutions, has had one clear purpose: improving care by optimizing the critical interactions between clinicians and patients. Healthcare is an inherently collaborative experience—among patients, clinicians, and care teams. Strengthening those connections across the care continuum has always been our ultimate goal.
We achieve this by delivering the best information at the point of care, driving innovation in CDS, and improving patient engagement solutions. One example is our recently expanded approach to delivering analytics and insights. Through our enterprise solutions, we now offer richer analytics that enable health systems to maximize their resources. By bundling more content and providing subscription-based solutions, we’re helping care teams access the best evidence-based information without barriers. This strategic focus is particularly critical in addressing challenges like clinician satisfaction, resource optimization, speed of healthcare decisions, and care quality in today’s evolving healthcare landscape.