ComplianceJune 06, 2023|UpdatedMay 03, 2024

On-demand webinar: Bankruptcies in 2023 – A due diligence framework for transactional attorneys

There has been a surge in companies across multiple sectors resorting to bankruptcy in hopes of salvaging their business during these turbulent economic times.

In this webinar, transactional practitioners will learn a due diligence framework to navigate deals impacted by such bankruptcy-related issues.

Attendees will learn introductory bankruptcy concepts, due diligence best practices, and how to evaluate a secured creditor’s position with respect to the debtor’s assets.

Who should join:

  • Transactional attorneys and paralegals
  • Attorneys and paralegals in law firms
  • In-house counsel and paralegals

Your expert guides:

Elina Balagula
Transactional Business Consultant

Elina Balagula is a licensed attorney with over 10 years of legal practice experience, who serves as a UCC and transactional subject matter expert for law firm and corporate clients in the Northeast region.

Devlin Fisher, Global Sales Support Manager
Global Sales Support Manager
Devlin is the Global Sales Support Manager at CT Corporation. He consults with CT Corporation’s global law firm and corporate customers on matters related to global compliance.

Please complete this form for access to the webinar.

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