change management - financial services
LegalNovember 18, 2022

Whitepaper: Three keys to communicating technology changes in your financial services organization

Change management in financial services is hard. Effective communication can help.

Managing technology changes can be challenging for businesses in every industry, but it can be especially difficult for organizations in the financial services sector, which are beholden to rigid domestic and international laws and guidelines, like the GDPR and Volcker Rule.

Any legal technology your organization implements must cover these requirements—and your teams need to feel comfortable that the technology will meet their needs, regardless of geographic location.

This whitepaper has three keys to effectively build a comprehensive and consistent communications process that helps stakeholders understand:

  • Why the change is happening
  • What it means to your company (and them)
  • Why it’s important
  • How it will be beneficial


Download the whitepaper

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