In today's fast-paced world, technology is rapidly evolving. However, the technology behind audit bank confirmations has not kept up. This is changing.
Every audit requires some form of confirmation. When it comes to bank confirmations specifically, auditors historically have had very little choice in terms of the methods for processing bank confirmations.
Tax and accounting firms need software solutions and technology that work for them. Solutions and technology that bring speed and efficiencies to make frustrating manual tasks redundant and bring the chance for human error to an absolute minimum. Firms need technology that ensures the highest levels of security when it comes to sensitive and confidential financial information. And it requires ongoing technological development and investment, so it keeps up with the latest developments in Artificial Intelligence.
But how and why is this important for the modern and growing tax and accounting firm? How can new efficiencies be applied, and how do they help position the firm for the future of the digital audit workflow with sophisticated advanced AI analytics?
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