Evidence-based, expertly developed content in one solution

Streamline education and training for clinical rotations with technical videos, multimedia, and expert insights, easily accessible through a single point of access, so students, residents, and trainees are fully prepared — in technical expertise, conceptual understanding, and confidence — before they ever set foot in a simulation lab, ICU, or any patient environment.

Lippincott® Medical Procedures is more than just a video library — it’s a comprehensive and crucial component of your procedural training collection. Professionally filmed videos demonstrate step-by-step techniques for over 70 core medical procedures performed in a hospital or ambulatory setting. Plus: guidance on instruments and equipment, multimedia images and illustrations, “pearls and pitfalls,” and indications and contraindications — all developed by clinical and educational experts.

Why choose Lippincott® Medical Procedures for your program?

  • Ensure residents and trainees can perform basic, core procedures, everything from line insertions to wound care to POCUS.
  • Rely on standardized procedural techniques developed by experts at leading medical training programs in the United States.
  • Help make clinical rotations fast and efficient.
  • Support active, self-directed, point-of-care learning.
  • Easily track usage for reporting to ACGME and other educational accrediting bodies.
With the [USMLE CS/COMLEX PE Level 2] exams going away, schools need a way to [show students] are competent to start residency….With a product like this, you could say, ‘here’s a standardized way to show readiness, developed by the experts.’
— VP, Education Medical School

Learn more about Lippincott Medical Procedures multimedia modules

Cover image for Lippincott Medical procedures intro video
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What is Lippincott Medical Procedures?
Discover how Lippincott Medical Procedures enhances clinical training with comprehensive support for librarians, program directors, faculty, and medical professionals.

Cover image for Lippincott Medical Procedures "Why Lippincott Medical Procedures" video
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Why Lippincott Medical Procedures?
Learn how Lippincott Medical Procedures boosts confidence and ensures standardized, comprehensive training for performing procedures.

Key features of Lippincott® Medical Procedures

  • 70 resident training modules covering core patient procedures — including POCUS (point-of-care ultrasound), an important technique for Emergency Medicine departments — in hospital and ambulatory care settings
  • Professionally filmed, narrated videos depicting step-by-step procedural techniques
  • In-depth descriptions of key procedural steps, with direct links to the related portion of the video
  • “Pearls and pitfalls,” plus indications and contraindications of each procedure
  • Lists of required instruments and equipment — export as a PDF or direct to your EHR
  • Illustrations and multimedia images sourced from leading residency training programs
  • Two versions of each module — for either a quick refresh or more in-depth focus
  • Mobile optimization for easy access and use at the point of care
  • Simple, intuitive content navigation and easy-to-use interface

More free tips on what medical procedures training residents need

Wolters Kluwer interviewed medical residents and found out these four essential components are crucial when deciding on medical procedure training materials and resources.

What residents are saying about Lippincott Medical Procedures

  • Resident 1
  • Resident 2
  • Resident 3
  • Resident 4
  • Resident 5
It's hard to find trusted sources for procedures. The first time I did a procedure I just looked it up on YouTube, and I don't know if it was evidence based or best practice. It’s nice that Lippincott Medical Procedures has evidence-based, researched approaches to procedures; it’s not just some guy on YouTube winging it.
Medical Resident
I would use it if I'm doing a procedure just because it's more standardized. There's so much variation if you're just searching Google or using YouTube; Lippincott Medical Procedures is actually medically standardized procedures.
Medical Resident
What I like about Lippincott Medical Procedures is that it is a consistent format. It’s a resource where I can go to find exact video that I need. I don’t have to worry that the quality of the video is really poor.
Medical Resident
I’ve used other apps in the past from brand names for different procedures, and it's always sort of hindered by the specific technology they're trying to sell to the hospital. This is much better.
Medical Resident
I guess where I am right now, this is something I would definitely reference before going in and doing a procedure on a patient. The biggest part of it that's usable for me would be the video.
Medical Resident

Learn more about Lippincott® Medical Procedures and how it can help your institution.

Our sales representative will share how we can streamline your education and training for clinical rotations.
The biggest thing I struggle with — as an educator trying to create a curriculum and direct people to procedure resources — is that some people are really good at that and some people aren’t…Having a platform for this, from people who are really good at procedures, helps supplement the education we’re doing within the residency.
— Associate Program Director, Internal Medicine

Lippincott Medical Procedures sample content library and resources

Contributors list

See a list clinical and educational experts who helped develop Lippincott Medical procedures content.

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Procedure list

Download the procedure list to see what medical procedures are included in the training.

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Lippincott Medical Procedures Sample Video: Deep Vein Thrombosis
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Sample procedure: Point-of-care ultrasound sonography | Evaluation of deep vein thrombosis
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