Trusted by instructors and preferred by students for more than 50 years, Brunner and Suddarth’s Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing, written by Janice L. Hinkle, PhD, RN, CNRN, Kerry H. Cheever, PhD, RN , and Kristen J. Overbaugh, PhD, RN, ACNS-BC, CHPN, makes coverage of medical-surgical nursing practices more approachable than ever. Comprehensively updated to keep pace with today’s changing healthcare environment, this edition layers essential patient care procedures with engaging case studies and vignettes that bring concepts to life and prepare students to confidently apply what they’ve learned in nursing practice. The 15th Edition is fully integrated with Lippincott® CoursePoint+ with extensive pedagogical elements that support the development of clinical judgment through a variety of tools and exposing students to the Next Generation NCLEX® (NGN).