Our core service offering

Our Professional Services team provide trusted and reliable support in pre and post implementation of your OneSumX Finance, Risk and Regulatory Reporting solution. We offer a range of flexible services to fit your time and budget. This means you can be confident your systems and processes are in line with compliance and regulatory requirements.

Some of our core services include:

  • Introduction and interface mapping
  • System installation and System Integration Testing (SIT)
  • Training and pre project workshops
  • User Acceptance Testing (UAT) Preparation and Go-Live
  • Data integration
  • Post production services

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Gain optimal performance

Our Professional Services (PS) consultants have extensive experience assessing performance goals. We have PS members located across the globe with qualifications in banking, finance, economics, IT and computer science. As part of our ongoing service we provide best-practice recommendations to gain optimal performance for your systems. Support includes a review of:


  • Retention and archiving policies
  • OneSumX system settings
  • Previous customizations
  • Database instance and server
  • Storage and I/O
  • SQL statements
  • Data replication and clustering
  • Backup and recovery
  • Code optimization
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Post production services

Our commitment to your organization's success extends well beyond the implementation of the OneSumX Finance, Risk and Regulatory Reporting software. Covering the finance, risk and reporting spectrum, our trusted Professional Service advisors partner with you either on-site or remote to develop strategies, processes and frameworks to resolve complex issues.


The following services are available:

  • High-level business sessions to understand key concerns
  • Shadowing end users' workdays to determine if best practices are used
  • Conducting refresh training for business users and IT staff
  • Aligning processes with business priorities
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Technical upgrades

  • Day-to-day access to technical consultants to perform software upgrades
  • Review system uptime and stability
  • Automated system health checks and notifications
  • Hardware recommendations
  • Software compatibility testing
  • Improve performance with regular system tuning and optimization
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Reliable customer support

We provide easy-to-access, reliable customer support for any problems or requests relating to your solution software.
  • Our dedicated team will provide you with a response in a timely manner, depending on the severity level of your request
  • All incidents are logged and level one requests are dealt with within 1 business day
  • For raising a support ticket or logging incidents you can visit the customer support portal here.

Learn more about Professional Services