Health and medication education integrated at the point of care

Your patients health and outcomes are determined by more than the care decisions you make during your time with them. Encouraging patients to take an active role in their health is critical but can be challenging, especially when treatments plans, conditions, or medications are complex. Patients may also have questions and seek answers online but might find incorrect or confusing information.

With award-winning, evidence-based patient education from UpToDate®, UpToDate® Lexidrug™ (formerly Lexicomp®), and UpToDate Educate (formerly Emmi®) available directly in the EHR, clinicians can help patients stay informed and engaged in their medical care and health journey.

Enabling patients to take an active role in their care journey


Trusted, reliable, patient-centered content

Though we offer patient education in multiple formats, all content is developed using the same editorial process, keeping information and recommendations consistent across care locations.


Plain language and clinical alignment to support understanding

Our patient education materials and information are modified to be in plain, accessible language to support understanding and comprehension and to help foster plan adherence.


Multiple formats to address the needs of diverse patients

From articles to medication leaflets to videos, our education materials cover thousands of topics in multiple languages. Content is presented in diverse, inclusive images and language so patients can see themselves in the information provided.


Information to influence behavior and outcomes

Topics covered across our suite of solutions address everything from understanding a new diagnosis to preparing for a procedure to supporting the importance of medication adherence.

We publish two types of articles specifically for patients

Patient adherence to care and drug plans is critical to improving health outcomes and safety. With UpToDate and UpToDate Lexidrug, clinicians have access to patient education materials aligned to clinical topics right within their workflow to help address key questions during care consultations. UpToDate Educate adds to these resources with engaging patient videos and leaflets to help continue adherence and build patient partnerships.

UpToDate patient education materials

Medical education from UpToDate clinical decision support can be accessed through the EHR in shorter, basic articles, or longer articles for patients comfortable with more medical terminology. Browse some samples of our patient-centric content:

UpToDate Subscription Options
UpToDate Enterprise Solutions

UpToDate Lexidrug (formerly Lexicomp) medication information

UpToDate Lexidrug provides over 8,000 leaflets that include medications (adult and pediatric), diseases and conditions, labs and procedures, natural products, discharge instructions, dental topics, occupational and physical therapy, and health and wellness.

Patient information from Lexidrug is written at an appropriate level for a 5th-7th grade reading level and is also delivered in English, Spanish, and 18 additional languages to support you in educating patients in their native language.

UpToDate Lexidrug Subscription Options
UpToDate Lexidrug Enterprise Solutions

UpToDate Educate integrated videos and leaflets (US only)

Provide additional detailed health information and guidance, including patient-friendly videos and leaflets, with UpToDate Educate, our award-winning patient engagement solution. Content is aligned with the UpToDate editorial team and can be seamlessly integrated into workflows and accessible through patient portals, email, and print.

With access to patient education online, patients and caregivers can reach important drug information when they need it and come back to it when questions arise.

Learn about UpToDate Educate

In the US, poor medication adherence has been linked to approximately 125,000 deaths per year and an estimated healthcare cost of $500 billion annually.

Watanabe JH, McInnis T, Hirsch JD. Cost of Prescription Drug-Related Morbidity and Mortality. Ann Pharmacother. 2018 Sep. doi: 10.1177/1060028018765159.

Insights on patient education

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