Expert editors drive evidence-based medicine around the world

At the heart of UpToDate is an unparalleled community of over 7,400 authors and editors from around the globe who share a singular passion — writing and editing evidence-based information that helps clinicians everywhere practice the best medicine.

Created by clinicians for clinicians

Our contributors are practicing clinicians and recognized experts in their medical specialties; many serve on the faculty of prestigious medical schools, and some conduct groundbreaking research. As such, they understand how clinicians think and work.

Drawing on their deep clinical domain expertise, they produce original evidence-based content in a concise, searchable format to support clinicians throughout every stage of the diagnosis and treatment process. That’s why using UpToDate is associated with improved patient outcomes.

Meet some of our distinguished authors and editors

Olivia Boyer, MD, PhD
Professor of Pediatrics, Pediatric Nephrology
Imagine Institute, Paris-Descartes University, Hôpital Necker - Enfants Malades, Paris, France

“As an author, I find the work with the UpToDate editorial team and other experts particularly enlightening and valuable, as it allows for collegial discussions of medical practices, especially in the field of rare diseases where there is limited evidence-based-medicine. UpToDate also helps me at the patient's bedside to quickly obtain relevant and actualized information on the diagnosis and treatment of pathologies that are less in my field of expertise.”

Giovanna Brunasso, MD
Dermatology Unit
Villa Scassi Hospital, Genoa, Italy

“UpToDate offers clinicians the best, quickest, updated content useful for our everyday practice. As an author and regular user, I feel supported by the peer-review work done by the UpToDate team that helps me to improve my knowledge and to better treat and follow patients. UpToDate allows me to keep me instantly informed about the latest progresses in the field of Dermatology. The practical point of view of each author makes UpToDate unique and really helpful in the everyday real world of medicine.”

Francesc Colom, PsyD, PhD, MSc, Head of Mental Health Research Group
IMIM-Hospital del Mar-CIBERSAM and Associate Professor
Universitat AutĂČnoma de Barcelona, Barcelona-Catalonia, Spain

“My commitment to UpToDate was initially to provide clinically significant research developments for a continuous medical education tool - a resource that more and more academics and clinicians around the world were using for practical daily consultation.

The fields I am dealing with are adherence to treatment in bipolar disorders and innovative psychological treatments to help bipolar patients. Over time, I couldn’t help but use UpToDate myself as a powerful consultation tool on some clinical and therapeutic issues in which I didn’t feel my clinical knowledge was up to date enough. I must say that both as an expert academic providing the most innovative information we have and as a curious clinician with a thirst for new knowledge, UpToDate allows me to improve my daily practice. UpToDate was and continues to be a splendid tool with a team of highly motivated and trained people behind it.”

Filippo Crea, MD, Editor-in-Chief at European Heart Journal
Professor of Cardiology and Director, Department of Cardiovascular and Pneumological Sciences
Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Rome, Italy

“The pace of medical progress keeps increasing. Dissemination of new information to be immediately applied to daily clinical practice is increasingly challenging. This is why we need UpToDate. It is highly rewarding for me to serve as an author for UpToDate because it helps doctors reach quick and accurate clinical decisions.”

D Gareth Evans, MD, FRCP
Cancer Lead and Consultant in Clinical Genetics, Genetic Medicine, Manchester Academic Health Sciences Centre
Central Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, United Kingdom

“As an expert on rare inherited cancer syndromes I am in rather a niche area but even I have to search for new information when a condition I have not seen for a few years presents in clinic. UpToDate is the ideal reference source for a quick update.”

Theodoros Foukakis, MD, PhD, Associate Professor, Senior Consultant
Department of Oncology-Pathology, Karolinska Institutet, Breast Center
Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden

‘’As a user, I am instantly updated about practice-changing developments in all fields of oncology. As a contributor, I have developed a new approach towards critically incorporating novel knowledge into clinical practice.’’

Finn Gustafsson, MD, PhD
Professor of Cardiology
University of Copenhagen, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark

“I am very proud to be a long-time contributor to UpToDate, especially as it is the internet-based resource I have used for years to get rapid and trustworthy information on all aspects of medicine in my daily clinical practice. Being an author for UpToDate allows me to support medical education globally and share my experience with colleagues all over the world. To me, that’s what medical education and knowledge-sharing is all about.”

Paul Harrison, PhD, Senior Lecturer
Institute of Inflammation and Ageing
University of Birmingham, United Kingdom

“It’s been a great privilege to contribute to UpToDate content for almost 20 years. UpToDate has now evolved into an important online resource for clinicians and scientists who need rapid access to high quality evidence based medical and scientific information in their areas of interest. In an increasingly busy and information rich world, UpToDate provides a continuing evolving central resource that is easily accessible and searchable via a user-friendly interface. I am therefore pleased to continue to contribute to this important endeavour, which is not only improving knowledge but having a positive impact on patient care.”

Daisy J.A. Janssen, MD, PhD
Physician in Old Age Medicine and Palliative Care
Ciro, Horn, The Netherlands

“UpToDate allows me to share evidence globally and contribute to education in palliative care. As a clinician, UpToDate is an important source of peer reviewed medical knowledge.”

Christophe Legendre, MD, Professor of Nephrology
Paris Descartes University and Head of the Adult Nephrology and Transplantation Unit
Necker Hospital, Paris, France

“Almost 30 years ago, I found out about UpToDate which, at that time, was devoted to nephrology and was directed by the late Bud Rose. Since that time, UpToDate has become a reference in many specialties due to the recognized quality of writing and the effective work of updating medical knowledge. It is highly rewarding for me to serve as an author for UpToDate, because it helps me to have an updated reference for each topic related to kidney transplantation and a bibliography, and it allows me to read the opinion of physicians who are really involved in clinical practice.’’

Dan Lipsker, MD, PhD
Medical Faculty Professor
University of Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France

“As an author, I enjoy contributing to UpToDate because of the structured editorial process that obliges me to go straight to the essential clinical information. UpToDate editors work extremely seriously and every piece of information is double-checked and has to be adequately referenced. As a regular UpToDate user, I’m very happy to have access to an immense medical resource on my smartphone. I find it especially useful to glance through fields outside of my specialty. This is true at the bedside and during a consultation but also when preparing lectures.’’

Rogelio LĂłpez-VĂ©lez, MD, DTMH, PhD, Assoc. Professor
National Referral Unit for Tropical Diseases, Infectious Diseases Dept.
RamĂłn y Cajal University Hospital, Madrid, Spain

‘’UpToDate is continually improving and giving updated information in a concise and practical way. It is written by experts and very knowledgeable professionals. My favorite topics are those related to infectious diseases. UpToDate is currently the most used online information resource in our daily clinical practice. The information is crystal clear and entirely reliable. It's a pride to be the author of one of the chapters.”

Masao Matsuoka, MD, PhD
Professor, Department of Hematology, Rheumatology and Infectious Diseases, Faculty of Life Sciences
Kumamoto University, Kumamoto, Japan

“I am always impressed with the excellent work of UpToDate’s editorial team. In this day and age when medical information is updated daily and the latest knowledge and best treatments are changing, UpToDate’s information has become a compass for modern medicine. As an author, I am proud to be a part of UpToDate’s work.”

Nils Milman, MD
Department of Medicine Division of Lung Transplantation
Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark

“UpToDate provides important evidence-based information on human diseases for medical doctors, medical students, and medical staff. Diagnosis and treatment modalities of patients are explained in a way that mimics/matches the clinical situation. All recommendations in UpToDate are regularly reviewed, revised, and updated. It is a pleasure for me to contribute to UpToDate and spread the knowledge about handling of disease in my specific area.’’

Santiago Mintegi, MD, PhD
Pediatric Emergency Department, Cruces University Hospital, Biocruces Health Research Institute, Bilbao, Spain
Professor of Paediatrics, Secretary of the Department of Pediatrics, University of the Basque Country, Spain

‘’I am a pediatric emergency physician. I cannot forget how helpful UpToDate has been for me to choose the best option for children in some difficult situations. Writing and editing evidence-based information for UpToDate entails a great deal of responsibility and it is also an opportunity. UpToDate is a resource used by thousands of healthcare providers every day. I often use it in my practice to guide my clinical decision-making because it helps me to continuously update and improve my knowledge.’’

Dania Mohty, MD, PhD
Professor of Medicine and Consultant Cardiology
Limoges, France

“’Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the world. I am doing my best to spread knowledge via UpToDate about the mechanisms and predictors of death in valvular heart disease.”

Maria Moschovi, MD, PhD
Professor of Pediatric Oncology
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Medical School, Athens, Greece

“It is extremely pleasurable and highly rewarding for me to serve as an author for UpToDate. It is highly rewarding for me due to the thorough content development process used by the author team and the peer review support. As a user, I am instantly updated about new developments in the field of oncology, and I have the opportunity to synthesize available evidence into recommendations to treat the patients.”

Dario Roccatello, MD
Professor of Nephrology and Clinical Pathology
University of Turin Medical School, Turin, Italy

“UpToDate is a reliable resource to obtain straightforward and comprehensive overviews. As a nephrologist involved both in patient care and research, I trust UpToDate with balanced content covering the spectrum of kidney diseases. Being a contributor for UpToDate represents a unique opportunity to help clinicians worldwide by sharing expertise gained over time in my nephrology practice. It offers the opportunity to synthesize available evidence into recommendations clinicians can use to treat their patients, even when the evidence is thin or no consensus exists.”

Stephan Stilgenbauer, MD
Professor of Medicine
Ulm University, Ulm, Germany

“It is a tremendous pleasure and highly rewarding for me to serve as an author for UpToDate, as this endeavor is indeed very 'up to date'. It is extremely rewarding for me due to the thorough content development process used by the author team and the peer review support. As a user, I am instantly updated about practice-changing developments in all fields of oncology.’’

Simone Veronese, MD, MSc, PhD
Head of Research, Palliative Care Department
Fondazione Faro, Turin, Italy

‘’I’m honoured and pleased to be a contributor for UpToDate. It’s an invaluable source of scientific information, easily available online, accessible, and quickly searchable. But the main virtue is that it’s obviously always up to date. I highly recommend it to my colleagues and to all physicians and scientists interested in research in the medical field. Let’s do this for our personal and professional development, but above all for our patients’ best outcomes.”

M.G. Vervloet, MD, PhD, Internist-nephrologist
Amsterdam Cardiovascular Sciences, Dept of Nephrology
Amsterdam University Medical Center, Netherlands

“No need to search any further: UpToDate provides compact, and easily accessible summaries of the best and most recent evidence in clinical medicine, where available, and provides graded recommendations on areas of uncertainty. As an author it is both a challenge and a responsible task to decipher from a wealth of data in the literature the most relevant information, especially when these scientific data might influence clinical decision-making. For these reasons there is ongoing review of novel key publications on novel developments and reappraisal of current text in UpToDate in order to incorporate new insights.’’

Andrew Weeks, MD, MRCOG
Professor of International Maternal Health, Sanyu Research Unit
University of Liverpool, United Kingdom

“UpToDate is how textbooks should be — authoritative, exhaustive, and completely up to date. I use it myself regularly to check on issues outside of my own specialist area and always find it easy to use and the information invaluable. As an author they contact me for upgrading of my chapter and with suggestions of papers I may have missed. Of course, that helps me to keep current, but also allows me to pass the latest data onto the readers. Farewell dusty textbooks — this is the future!”

Iris Zalaudek, MD
Head of the Department of Dermatology and Venerology
University of Trieste and Gorizia, University of Trieste, Maggiore Hospital, Trieste, Italy

“As a researcher and teacher, I have a mission and passion to share my research findings, knowledge, and experience. UpToDate offers me - as an author - the great opportunity to achieve these goals because it connects me with colleagues and students around the world.”

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