1 de agosto de 2022

Los acontecimientos de Ucrania y la respuesta de Wolters Kluwer

El mundo ha contemplado la invasión de Ucrania con creciente horror e incredulidad. Wolters Kluwer se suma a Ucrania y a la comunidad internacional para condenar esta agresión injustificable, que ha creado una crisis humanitaria en el corazón de Europa.

Wolters Kluwer ha estado considerando cuidadosamente el futuro de nuestras relaciones con los clientes en Rusia y Bielorrusia, donde tenemos una huella limitada y, sobre todo, lo que significarían nuestras acciones para las personas en la región. Hemos dejado de hacer negocios en Rusia y Bielorrusia, excepto para algunos de nuestros productos de salud en los que existen razones humanitarias de peso. 

Seguimos apoyando a Ucrania y a la región de muchas maneras. Los equipos locales en la región directamente afectada y el resto de nuestros equipos en Europa y en todo el mundo están ofreciendo diversos apoyos, que incluyen ayuda financiera, alojamiento, suministros, ropa, equipamiento y espacio de trabajo, y otras ayudas.

Nuestros equipos del área de la salud ofrecen acceso permanente a UpToDate a los profesionales sanitarios de Ucrania y de la región que lo necesitan, y participan en Research4Life, que forma parte del programa Hinari de la OMS, para facilitar el acceso al contenido de las revistas a las instituciones médicas de Ucrania. El departamento jurídico pone a disposición de los abogados recursos de investigación jurídica para ayudar a los refugiados ucranianos.

Wolters Kluwer también está realizando importantes donaciones a organizaciones de ayuda que apoyan a los refugiados y a otras personas afectadas por la invasión rusa, entre las que se incluye la Cruz Roja.

Declaración de Carreras

Wolters Kluwer apoya a Ucrania y da la bienvenida a los candidatos desplazados por la guerra. Tenemos oportunidades profesionales en una amplia variedad de funciones tecnológicas, con centros en Polonia y Rumania junto con otros puestos vacantes en toda la UE, y trabajaremos con los candidatos para acelerar el proceso de contratación y brindar apoyo para el reasentamiento de ellos y sus familias. como parte del proceso de incorporación. Wolters Kluwer es una empresa que valora la diversidad de antecedentes y experiencias de sus colegas de todo el mundo. 

Oportunidades de carrera para los candidatos desplazados por la guerra en Ucrania.

Visite Carreras en Wolters Kluwer para ver los trabajos disponibles.

Special reports from U.S. legal experts

To help businesses and legal professionals navigate this volatile and quickly evolving crisis, Wolters Kluwer legal experts have developed special reports covering the U.S. response.

“Unprecedented information warfare prior to the invasion put U.S. companies and their attorneys on notice that war was not only possible, but likely,” said Matthew Garza, Senior Legal Analyst at Wolters Kluwer Legal & Regulatory U.S. “This series of special reports will help them track the U.S. response as they continue to move to protect clients with interests in the region.”

The following special reports are available:

  • Cybersecurity: As cyber threats increase with the ongoing invasion, experts continue to raise the alarm concerning potential cyberattacks against Ukrainian targets as well as attacks against the U.S. and other NATO countries. Recent federal cybersecurity action includes provisions in the Consolidated Appropriations Act that kicked off rulemaking to require reporting of ransomware payments and create a Cyber Incident Review Office within CISA. The SEC also proposed rules to enhance and standardize disclosure regarding cybersecurity risk management, strategy, governance, and incident reporting. 
  • Intellectual Property: Several major IP offices around the world have halted cooperative efforts with their Russian counterparts. On the contrary, IP offices throughout Europe have pledged assistance and support to Ukrainian rights holders whose pending actions are disrupted by the conflict. The USPTO announced that it had terminated engagement with officials from Russia’s IP Agency (Rospatent), the Eurasian Patent Organization (EAPO) and the national IP office of Belarus, an action that will affect Russian rights holders seeking to extend protection to the U.S., as well as U.S. businesses that continue to operate in Russia. 
  • The SEC: U.S. companies and private issuers subject to SEC disclosure regulations continue to monitor the crisis and prepare to potentially update existing SEC disclosures to reflect the risk of doing business in Russia and Ukraine countries. With reports that some diplomatic talks have occurred between Russia and Ukraine, businesses might begin to reconsider their decisions to cease business operations in Russia, but need to remain mindful that sanctions may not be lifted for some period of time after the conflict ends. 
  • Sanctions and Compliance: Sanctions are being imposed at a rapid pace, and financial institutions and the attorneys counseling them are scrambling to navigate the regulations intended to ensure compliance with the sanctions and trade embargoes against Russia, hoping to prevent potential Russian sanction evasion attempts. Sanctions compliance and the prevention of actions taken as a back-door means to evade sanctions requires diligence, strict monitoring of OFAC’s SDN List, and the implantation of OFAC and FinCEN guidance, starting with an effective SCP that is wholly supported by management. 
  • Economic Sanctions: Since the start of the invasion, President Biden has taken many executive actions that have led to a slew of economic sanctions against a wide swath of the Russian economy, its leadership, and oligarchy. The first action taken by OFAC was sanctioning two major Russian state-owned financial institutions, imposing additional restrictions on Russian sovereign debt, and sanctioning five Kremlin-connected elites. OFAC has also sanctioned additional regime elites and business executives who are associates and facilitators of the Russian regime. 

Free legal content for Ukrainian refugees in Germany

Wolters Kluwer is sharing its expert knowledge on social welfare benefits for Ukrainian refugees in Germany. Chief editor of Wolters Kluwer’s expert solution eGovPraxis Social Office, Prof. Dr. Peter Becker, provides an expert summary for local government workers – who are often the frontline employees to address requests for help – on what needs to be done and what to watch for. Wolters Kluwer in Germany is also providing a free information service for local government employees to easily follow legal developments to help keep them up to date. In addition, the business also offers on the news portal Legal Tribune Online a dedicated section on new developments - Ukraine Dossier -created by legal experts, including the Wolters Kluwer editorial team in Germany.
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