Dr. Helene Chaconas has extensive experience in medication-use safety and policy. She specializes in formulary management and optimization, drug information, pain management and anesthesia practice, and rare disease/ultra-high-cost therapeutics. Her background includes leading pharmacy and therapeutics subcommittees, health system leadership, clinical decision support, and precepting pharmacy residents and students. Dr. Chaconas has led and implemented many large-scale interdisciplinary initiatives that enhance patient care and hospital operations across a variety of settings (eg, academic medical center, critical access hospital, ambulatory surgery center, etc).

She currently serves as a Specialized Consulting Manager for the Clinical Surveillance & Compliance business at Wolters Kluwer Health. Dr. Chaconas earned her Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry with a minor in Chemistry from Virginia Tech and her Doctor of Pharmacy degree from the Virginia Commonwealth University School of Pharmacy. She completed a two-year postdoctoral fellowship in Applied Analytics and Health System Leadership at Wolters Kluwer Health. She is an active member of the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) and has earned Certificates in Opioid Stewardship and Pain Management from ASHP. 

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