IR Data Privacy
For the purpose of managing its relations with the investment community, Wolters Kluwer Investor Relations acquires, controls, processes, stores, and uses certain personal data on professional investors and sell-side analysts globally.
The personal data used in Investor Relations consists of the professional’s name, institutional affiliation, office address and other contact details, professional profile, job function, employment history, educational background, job focus, sector coverage, institutional profile, and indicators of their investment strategy, approach and preferences. If available, it may include actual or estimated shareholdings in Wolters Kluwer. It also includes records of meetings and other interactions with investment institutions, investors, and analysts. It may include notes on such interactions, such as investor feedback and opinions, topics discussed, or the nature of questions asked.
Data systems and sources
Wolters Kluwer Investor Relations uses reputable third-party customer relationship management (CRM) and data providers to source core generic information on investment firms and professionals. Such CRM and data systems are commercially available and include Nasdaq, Bloomberg, Factset, Thomson Reuters, Ipreo, and others. Additionally, certain data is sourced from public filings and other free publicly available sources. Wolters Kluwer Investor Relations may also add further information specific to Wolters Kluwer, such as records of meetings, or other data as described above.
Wolters Kluwer Investor Relations relies on such data for the sole purpose of managing its relations with the investment community. We rely on it to ensure that our interaction with the investment community is relevant, efficient, appropriate, and fair. We rely on it to predict potential buyers or sellers of Wolters Kluwer shares. At the request of a data subject, the data systems are also used to send financial reports, notices of IR events, press releases, or other communications. The personal data is not sold or made public by Wolters Kluwer. A minimal sub-set of this data (name, institution, contact details) may be shared with a broker or other third party solely for the purpose of managing our investor relations roadshows or other events.
Data security
Wolters Kluwer Investor Relations recognizes the importance of privacy and data security. Wolters Kluwer Investor Relations will take reasonable steps to prevent the loss or misuse of the personal data we hold.
Data subjects have the right to review, correct, delete, or restrict the processing of their information, or port information provided by them. Please contact Investor Relations
This data privacy statement will be reviewed regularly and may be updated from time to time. Please check this page for future updates.
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