ORCID: 0000-0003-2281-0859

1979–1984 - University of Warsaw, 1990–1991 - University of Bonn, 1995 – a PhD degree in Legal Sciences, University of Warsaw, 1984–2004 – scientific-didactic employee at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Warsaw;
Currently: Chairman of the Expert Council of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Lazarski University, lecturer at Postgraduate Studies in Company Law, President of ICC Poland (International Chamber of Commerce), member of the District Chamber of Legal Advisors in Warsaw and Law Society (as a foreign lawyer).
Dr Cezary Wiśniewski can boast extensive practical experience in consultancy related to acquisitions, mergers and takeovers of companies. He has also advised numerous financial institutions on a variety of matters. He can also boast extensive experience in litigation. He has adjudicated as an arbitrator and has acted as a legal representative in numerous arbitration proceedings. As a legal representative, he has also represented the Republic of Poland in international arbitration proceedings arising from claims of foreign investors against the State Treasury in connection with the performance of agreements on mutual protection and investment promotion.
Speaker at international scientific conferences on the practice of commercial law and arbitration. Author of several dozen articles and other publications in the country and abroad in the field of commercial law, civil law as well as commercial and investment arbitration.

Most Recent Major Publications:
1. Dziurda M., Wiśniewski C., Wpływ umów BIT na suwerenność państw, „Przegląd Prawa Handlowego” 2013, nr 12.
2. Furtek M., Wiśniewski C, Polski arbitraż z widokami na przyszłość, „Rzeczpospolita” 2014, nr 181.
3. Wiśniewski C., Arbitration – Friendly for Whom?, „ADR. Arbitraż i Mediacja” 2015, nr 1.
4. Jurcewicz W., Wiśniewski C., Zdatność arbitrażowa sporów korporacyjnych - perspektywa polska, „Przegląd Prawa Handlowego” 2015, nr 10.
5. Wiśniewski C., Zielińska A., Who Should Know The Law: The Arbitrators Or The Parties?, in: Kluwer Arbitration Blog, [online], Wolters Kluwer 2016, [access: 13 lutego 2019], available: http://kluwerarbitrationblog.com/2016/10/03/who-should-know-the-law-the-arbitrators-or-the-parties
6. Jurcewicz W., Wiśniewski C., Арбітрабельність корпоративних спорів, w: Альтернативні та судові процедури вирішення спорів: сучасний стан і нові тенденції в Україні, Німеччині та Польщі. Alternative und gerichtliche Verfahren der Streitbegleitung: Aktueller Stand und neue Tendenzen in der Ukraine, Deutschland und Polen, Kijów 2016.
7. Jurcewicz W., Pörnbacher K., Wiśniewski C. (sc. ed.), Spory korporacyjne w praktyce arbitrażowej – perspektywa polska i niemiecka. Gesellschaftliche Streitigkeiten in der Praxis der Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit – polnische und deutsche Perspektiven, Warszawa 2017.
8. Jurcewicz W., Wiśniewski C., Arbitrability of Corporate Disputes, w: Die Förderung der Rule of Law durch außergerichtliche Streitbegleitung. Deutschland, Polen, Ukraine, ed. T. de Vries, Berlin 2018.

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