judge of the Civil Chamber of the Supreme Court
chairperson of the IIIrd Problem Department
studied law at the Jagiellonian University in the years 1967–1971
In the years 1971–1973, completed a full-time judge training in the judicial circuit of the Voivodeship Court in Cracow, ended with a judicial exam.
In the years 1973–1980, exercised the function of associate judge and then judge at the Bochnia Regional Court. Afterwards, acted as judge of the Voivodeship Court in Tarnow (1980–1987), where he presided over the Civil Department, and the Voivodeship Court in Cracow (1987–1990), in which he served as civil inspector.
In 1990, appointed judge of the Civil Chamber of the Supreme Court, chairing its Problem Department since 2000.
In 1980, completed Postgraduate Studies in Distribution of Justice in the field of civil law.
From the very beginning of his professional career, Mr. Gudowski has dealt with civil law and specialized in civil procedural law. Episodically, he also adjudicated in labour law matters. The law on the structure of the law courts remains in the centre of his professional interests.
As a judge rapporteur, his acquis spans over 150 resolutions of the Supreme Court, including many taken in enlarged formations, and numerous thesis rulings published in the official collection.
His academic achievement spans about 60 publications, including cooperation, also as a science editor, in commentaries on the Civil Code, Code of Civil Procedure, Law on the Organization of Common Law Courts and the Act on the National Council of the Judiciary.
He belongs to the group of co-editors of "System prawa procesowego cywilnego", being a co-author and science editor of the volume on appeals, which was published first. Mr. Gudowski is also the author of numerous collections of case-law and literature in the field of substantive and procedural civil law and family law.
Scientific, educational and editorial activities:
He regularly participates in conventions of faculties, departments and civil proceedings institutes, most recently in 2017 as one of the main speakers at the congress organized by the Civil Procedure Department of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan and the Civil Processualism Scientific Society.
Mr. Gudowski is a member of the editorial board of “Przegląd Sądowy”, the programme councils of the quarterlies "Polski Proces Cywilny" and "Iustitia", as well as a member of the scientific board of LEX (Wolters Kluwer Polska).
As of 1998 he has performed the function of vice-chairman and chairman of the editorial board of the official collections of "Jurisprudence of the Supreme Court - Civil Chamber".
As of 2002 Mr. Gudowski has been publishing and editing the Supreme Court's bulletin "Civil Chamber".
In the years 1987–1990 he published and edited the “Cracow Court Review”, a bulletin of the Voivodeship Court in Cracow.
As of 1995, Mr. Gudowski has been reviewing articles submitted for publication in "Przegląd Sądowy".
In the last 25 years, he has participated in numerous training sessions for common court judges, and occasionally also for notaries, solicitors and legal advisers.

Other activity:

In the years 1990–1994 and 1998–2002, member of the National Council of the Judiciary.
In the years 1997–1998, co-created the general concept and detailed design of “Supremus” – the IT system of the Supreme Court, including not only office services, but also case-law databases.
In the years 2002–2007, member of the Scientific Council at the Institute of Civil Law of the University of Warsaw.
In the years 2009–2010, member of the programme board of the National School of Judiciary and Prosecutor's Office.
As of 2007, since its inception, member of the Civil Processualism Scientific Society.
In the years 2003–2007 and 2011–2015, member of the Civil Law Codification Commission, dealing mainly with projects in the field of procedural law; among others, the concept of the application for a declaration of unlawfulness of a final judgement is of his authorship.

Publications (2016-2018):

1. J. Gudowski w rozmowie z K. Sobczakiem, Państwo prawa to niezależne sądy, Warszawa 2017.
2. Jacek Gudowski, Kodeks cywilny. Orzecznictwo. Piśmiennictwo. Tom II. Własność i inne prawa rzeczowe, Warszawa 2018.
3. J. Gudowski, Kodeks cywilny. Orzecznictwo. Piśmiennictwo. Tom III. Zobowiązania. Część 1 i 2, Warszawa 2019.
4. J. Gudowski, Kodeks cywilny. Orzecznictwo. Piśmiennictwo. Tom I. Część ogólna, Warszawa 2018.
5. H. Pietrzkowski, J. Gudowski, J. Ciszewski, K. Weitz, M. Jędrzejewska, P. Grzegorczyk, T. Ereciński (redaktor naukowy), Kodeks postępowania cywilnego. Komentarz, t. 1–6, Warszawa 2016.
6. T. Bielska-Sobkowicz, G. Bieniek, H. Ciepła, J. Gudowski (redaktor naukowy), M. Sychowicz, R. Trzaskowski, G.W. Bieniek, T. Wiśniewski, Cz. Żuławska, Kodeks cywilnego. Komentarz, tom 3, Zobowiązania, Część ogólna, Warszawa 2018.
7. Tadeusz Ereciński, Paweł Grzegorczyk, Jacek Gudowski (red. nauk.), Krystian Markiewicz, H. Pietrzkowski, M. Romańska, K. Weitz, T. Wiśniewski, T. Zembrzuski, System Prawa Procesowego Cywilnego. Tom III. Środki zaskarżenia, Warszawa 2013.
8. J. Gudowski, Wystąpienie podczas obchodów 100-lecia odrodzonego sądownictwa polskiego w siedzibie Krajowej Rady Sądownictwa, dnia 28 września 2017 r., „Kwartalnik Krajowej Rady Sądownictwa” 2017/4, s. 76–81
9. J. Gudowski, Pożegnanie SSN Stanisława Dąbrowskiego, „Kwartalnik Krajowej Rady Sądownictwa” 2014/1, s. 33–35.
10. J. Gudowski, Sąd Najwyższy. Pozycja ustrojowa, funkcje i zadania (spojrzenie sędziego cywilisty), „Przegląd Sądowy” 2015, nr 11–12, s. 7.
11. J. Gudowski, Uzasadnienie orzeczeń Sądu Najwyższego w sprawach cywilnych [w:] Uzasadnienia decyzji stosowania prawa, red. I. Rzucidło-Grochowska, M. Grochowski, Warszawa 2015, s. 239.
12. J. Gudowski, Niezawisłość a związanie sędziego oceną prawną sądu wyższej instancji, „Polski Proces Cywilny” 2016, nr 3, s. 433.
13. J. Gudowski, Laserunkowość postępowania cywilnego [in:] Honeste procedere. Księga jubileuszowa dedykowana Profesorowi Kazimierzowi Lubińskiemu, red. A. Laskowska-Hulisz, J. May, M. Mrówczyński, Warszawa 2017, s. 119.
14. J. Gudowski, Zasady prawne uchwalane przez Sąd Najwyższy [in:] Ius est a iustitia appellatum. Księga jubileuszowa dedykowana Profesorowi Tadeuszowi Wiśniewskiemu, red. T. Ereciński, J. Gudowski, M. Pazdan, M. Tomalak, Warszawa 2017, s. 177.
15. J. Gudowski, Towarzystwo sporu – przypadek współuczestnictwa specjalnego w sprawie o uzgodnienie treści księgi wieczystej z rzeczywistym stanem prawnym [in:] Z zagadnień prawa procesowego cywilnego. Zbiór rozpraw dedykowanych pamięci Profesor Marii Jędrzejewskiej, „Studia Iuridica” 2018, nr 75, s. 69.
16. J. Gudowski, Nadużycie prawa procesowego cywilnego w postępowaniu rozpoznawczym (in ampliore contextu), przyjęty do druku w materiałach zjazdu katedr i zakładów postępowania cywilnego zorganizowanego przez Zakład Postępowania Cywilnego Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu oraz Towarzystwo Naukowe Procesualistów Cywilnych – Prusim 2017.

In addition to the publications cited, in the last three years subsequent editions of commentaries to the Civil Code and the Code of Civil Procedure were also published, as well as the first two volumes of collections of case law and literature from 1842–2018 regarding the Civil Code or closely related to its provisions.

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