Wolters Kluwer Health today announced that KLAS Research has recognized the Sentri7® clinical surveillance solution as Best in KLAS® for infection control and monitoring for the second year in a row in the 2023 Best in KLAS: Software and Services report. KLAS Research, which specializes in monitoring and reporting the performance of healthcare vendors, rated Sentri7 as the market leader for infection control for hospitals and health systems.
KLAS Research ranks Wolters Kluwer’s Sentri7 #1 for Infection Control & Monitoring for second year
Strong customer guidance & exceptional technology benchmarks
KLAS interviews thousands of healthcare professionals and uses the responses to rate innovative surveillance software. Evaluation questions cover several areas including Culture, Loyalty, Operations, Product features, Relationship, and Value. Respondents to this year’s survey noted a number of key benefits for using Sentri7, including tailored workflows and features that save time-strapped infection preventionists.
In October 2022, a health system director commenting to KLAS about Sentri7 stated: “One of the selling points of Sentri7 Infection Prevention is that it mimics the infection prevention workflow, whereas some other programs that I have used don’t make sense. I can tell the product is built with infection prevention in mind, whereas other systems are made by mega software vendors who consider infection prevention logic to be a secondhand thing. Other vendors know that they need an infection prevention module, but the other modules are not built by people who understand how infection prevention works.”
One provider and manager surveyed by KLAS discussed the functionality in October 2022 by stating: “All my reports go through Sentri7 Infection Prevention to the NHSN [National Healthcare Safety Network] website. I can run some Excel spreadsheets that help with reporting things to CMS as well. The reporting functionality is very easy. I can access the system on weekends, so I am able to track trends with what is going on in certain units so that we can put action plans together. I like the system as a whole because it really helps us drive down hospital-acquired infections and increase patient safety for our customers. We are able to see trends with our hospital-acquired infections and can then decrease our number of hospital-acquired infections and see that decrease in the moment.”
Top honors for infection control and monitoring two years in a row
Wolters Kluwer Sentri7 is designed to deliver real-time alerts and evidence-based guidance so clinical teams deliver the right care at the right time. Even with robust electronic health record (EHR) systems, many hospitals are still challenged with identifying at-risk populations and optimizing infection prevention (IP) and control programs. Sentri7 advanced technology leverages data from the EHR and delivers an IP-tailored workflow to automate infection control and required regulatory reporting so that infection control professionals can focus on improving patient care instead of spending time working with IT or navigating manual processes.
Sentri7 stands out as Best in KLAS
Best in KLAS is a recognition given by KLAS Research to health technology solution providers for outstanding efforts to help healthcare professionals deliver better patient care. The Best in KLAS designation is reserved for the software and services market segments that have the broadest operational and clinical impact on healthcare organizations.
“The 2023 Best in KLAS report highlights the top-performing healthcare IT solutions as determined by extensive evaluations and conversations with thousands of healthcare providers. These distinguished winners have demonstrated exceptional dedication to improving and innovating the industry, and their efforts are recognized through their inclusion in this report,” said Adam Gale, CEO at KLAS Research. “Congratulations to all the winning vendors for setting the bar for excellence in healthcare IT! KLAS continues to be committed to creating transparency and helping providers make informed decisions through our accurate, honest, and impartial reporting.”
Wolters Kluwer will be honored for Sentri7 and also Emmi for Patient Driven Care Management at the Best in KLAS Show 2023 on April 17, 2023, at HIMSS23 in Chicago, Illinois.
O spoločnosti Wolters Kluwer
Wolters Kluwer (EURONEXT: WKL) je globálnym lídrom v oblasti informácií, softvérových riešení a služieb pre odborníkov v zdravotníctve, sektor daní a účtovníctva, súlad s finančnými a podnikovými predpismi, právny a regulačný sektor a sektory podnikovej výkonnosti a ESG. Poskytovaním odborných riešení, ktoré predstavujú kombináciu hĺbkových znalostí v odbore a technológií a služieb, pomáhame našim zákazníkom pri každodennom prijímaní kritických rozhodnutí.