ERISA Professional
Users of the ftwilliam.com Plan Document and Compliance Testing and Reporting modules must be experienced ERISA professionals who are qualified to draft the documents provided and perform annual compliance testing (e.g. Attorney, Enrolled Actuary, TPA). If you have any questions or you are not sure you are an ERISA professional, please contact support@ftwilliam.com or call 800.596.0714.No Legal Advice
ftwilliam.com and/or its employees, officers and agents are not engaged in the practice of law and do not render any legal, accounting, financial or other professional advice. ftwilliam.com does not provide any advice and/or opinion as to whether any of the documents and or forms offered on the Site provide any specified legal or tax effect. All documents and or forms are prepared by ftwilliam.com at the direction of the person using the site.