Stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of Global IP Prosecution with Kluwer IP Law’s comprehensive Manual IP.

Navigate the labyrinth of intellectual property rights

For nearly a century, Manual IP is the go-to resource to navigate the complexities of intellectual property rights, with global coverage spanning over 240 jurisdictions. Manual IP includes detailed procedures and laws for filing applications for patents, trademarks, industrial designs, and utility models, all provided by local IP specialists.

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Manual IP

Global IP Prosecution

Manual IP offers actionable steps for filing applications related to intellectual property rights. Find and compare global IP prosecution information for patents, trademarks, industrial designs and utility models.

Manual IP at a glance; Your essential guide to global IP prosecution

  • Step-by-Step guidance: Find and compare filing information for patents, trademarks, industrial designs and utility models.
  • User friendly tools: Toggle between IP topics for one or more jurisdictions, quickly find answers and make a one-on-one comparison between the various topics from multiple countries and save favorite searches and topics.
  • Best Practices: Learn industry best practices, including tips on documentation, enforcement, and compliance. The chapters are created by local IP specialists in the field.
  • Legal Insights: Gain valuable insights into laws and regulations that govern intellectual property rights in various jurisdictions.
  • Case Studies: Explore real-world examples that illustrate successful strategies for managing applications and defending intellectual property.
For a sneak preview of what Manual IP can do for you, watch the video
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Experience the versatility of Manual IP

Whether you are an entrepreneur, a business owner, or an IP specialist, Manual IP equips you with the knowledge needed to navigate the intricacies of intellectual property rights confidently. Explore Kluwer IP Law, the ultimate resource for Intellectual Property rights and registration, to discover a wealth of additional information, tools, and resources tailored specifically for IP specialists.

Edited by prominent IP law firm Arnold & Siedsma
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How Manual IP meets Corporate Legal Departments needs

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Read what experts in the field have to say about Manual IP

  • Edward Pullicino
  • Anita Ioannidis
  • Henk Pattyn
My role is to provide precise information on IP law to assist our Patent attorneys and lawyers. Our attorneys often work for clients in multiple jurisdictions and require information on particular points of law. Providing the correct information to them in a timely manner is critical, since incorrect information can potentially invalidate a patent during prosecution or have costly knock on effects during patent litigation. This is where the Manual IP is so useful because it enables me to find information on points of law in every single country in the world at the click of a button.
Edward Pullicino
Dr Edward Pullicino
As a patent paralegal, I regularly consult the Manual IP to find the relevant information on IP laws in different countries. It has proven to be so useful, time-saving and reliable that it became a vital tool for my everyday work. The various search functions and the user-friendly interface facilitate finding the relevant information for each individual case.  Therefore, I can recommend the Manual IP unreservedly to anyone who regularly needs up-to-date information on worldwide IP laws and does not intend to spend working hours tediously searching in various resources.
Anita Ioannidis
Anita Ioannidis
Part of my role as Patent liaison is to stay up to date on IP law and assist our Patent attorneys. Patents follow products, so CNH Industrial needs IP protection worldwide. I regularly need information on particular points of IP law in various jurisdictions. Having quick and easy access to Manual IP offering me correct and up to date information is a 100 times more efficient than searching the web, which is, let’s be honest, often inconclusive.
Henk Pattyn
Henk Pattyn

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