ComplianceCorporatePro investory09 března, 2022

Wolters Kluwer to acquire IDS

March 9, 2022 — Wolters Kluwer Governance, Risk & Compliance (GRC) has signed an agreement with The Reynolds and Reynolds Company to acquire International Document Services, Inc. (IDS), a leading U.S. provider of compliance and document generation software solutions for the mortgage and real estate industry, for approximately $70 million in cash. 

IDS will become an integral part of GRC’s Compliance Solutions business, a leading provider of compliance software for U.S. banks, lenders, credit unions, insurers, and securities firms. The acquisition builds on GRC’s existing leadership in digital loan compliance, with end-to-end capabilities spanning from document generation to eClosing, loan analytics and lien solutions.

IDS serves over 450 clients, including U.S. mortgage lenders, banks and law firms. The company’s services include initial disclosures, electronic signatures, closing documents, and document fulfillment. The IDS flagship document preparation solution, idsDoc, is a cloud-based platform that is recognized across the industry for its superior capabilities, customer service, and integrations with many of the leading loan origination systems and eClosing platforms.

IDS, founded in 1986 and based in Draper, Utah, employs approximately 75 professionals. The company is expected to generate revenues of approximately $15 million in 2022. Revenues are based on transactional pricing linked to mortgage volumes. The acquisition is expected to deliver a return on invested capital (ROIC) above Wolters Kluwer’s after tax weighted average cost of capital (8%) within 3 to 5 years from completion. The acquisition is expected to have a positive but immaterial impact on Wolters Kluwer adjusted earnings in the first full year. Completion of the transaction is subject to customary closing conditions and is expected in the second quarter of 2022.

“IDS is well-positioned to take advantage of continuing digital adoption trends and has a strong track record of innovation in the mortgage industry,” said Steven Meirink, Executive Vice President and General Manager, Compliance Solutions, Wolters Kluwer GRC. “This strategic and exciting acquisition will further solidify Wolters Kluwer’s market leadership in expert solutions for loan compliance and, alongside our eOriginal product suite, positions us as the leading provider of digital lending solutions.”

“Wolters Kluwer has a long and distinguished history of excellence and innovation, and we are truly excited to join this leading business,” commented Mark Mackey, General Manager of IDS. “This is the perfect combination that will bring the next level of capabilities to our clients and the lending market.”


O společnosti Wolters Kluwer

Wolters Kluwer (EURONEXT: WKL) je globálním lídrem v poskytování informací, softwarových řešení a služeb pro profesionály zejména v oblasti zdravotnictví, daní a účetnictví, dodržování finančních a podnikových předpisů, práva a regulace, podnikové výkonnosti a v sektorech ESG. Každý den pomáháme klientům činit důležitá rozhodnutí prostřednictvím expertních řešení, která kombinují hluboké znalosti dané problematiky s technologiemi a službami.

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Související témata
Meg Geldens
Meg Geldens
Vice President, Investor Relations
Investor Relations
Paul Lyon
Paul Lyon

Senior Director, External Communications: Global Branding & Communications

Wolters Kluwer
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