Sundhedaugust 28, 2017

Case study: Sarasota Memorial enhance sterile compounding practices, comply with USP 797

In response to increased sterile compounding oversight, Sarasota Memorial Health System utilized Simplifi 797 to comply with USP 797, ensuring patient safety.

The industry continues to raise the bar on compliance with USP 797 — the accepted minimum practice standard—following a string of high-profile incidents that resulted in preventable patient harm. As part of its greater patient safety and quality strategy, Sarasota Memorial has chosen to leverage Simplifi 797, a comprehensive quality management system, to elevate sterile compounding practices and comply with USP 797.

Download the case study to find out how Simplifi 797 helped SMH:

  • Optimize the sterile compounding process
  • Identify and mitigate compliance risks
  • Standardize around a higher standard of practice

Download the case study

Simplifi 797®

Take the guesswork out of USP medication compounding compliance with a customizable, mobile, evidence-based solution.

Simplifi 797 provides the latest evidence-based guidance and helps navigate the complex USP Chapters 795, 797 and 800 processes to ensure inspection confidence and keep patients and staff safe.
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