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With content created for the online user, CCH iKnowConnect delivers curated search results so you can find the right answer faster, providing a more efficient research experience.
Concise commentary
Authoritative commentary, regularly updated, on all aspects of the taxation of individuals and companies, including GST, linked to primary source material.
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Expand your library
We recommend adding the following content to your library — taking your research to the next level:
- Singapore Income Tax – providing expansive in-depth commentary integrated with a full suite of primary source material – including legislation, cases, regulatory resources, and practical tools
- Singapore Tax Monitor – coming soon!
Behind your research
CCH iKnowConnect is your premier research tool because of the people behind it. At Wolters Kluwer, we are known for taking nuanced information, across a broad range of sources. and distilling it into trusted and balanced commentary. This means you are better informed with independent, professional, and detailed analysis as you dig deeper into the legislation.