ComplianceFinanceFebruary 01, 2024|UpdatedFebruary 14, 2024

Basel 3.1 standards: Implementation and next steps  

Topic: Basel 3.1

On-Demand Webinar

The recent publication releases (Dec 2023) from the Bank of England and the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) on the implementation of Basel 3.1 standards and alterations to the Simpler regime, now known as Small Domestic Deposit Takers (SDDTs), have heightened the importance for UK institutions to achieve Basel 3.1 compliance by July 01, 2025.

With less than 18 months remaining until Basel 3.1 implementation, banks have a narrow timeframe to efficiently analyse and navigate the latest updates, alterations, and challenges set out by the regulator whilst also ensuring compliance ahead of the deadline.

Despite this tight schedule, the finalisation of Basel 3.1 provides an excellent opportunity for financial institutions to establish a robust plan and construct a foundation for regulatory compliance in the future.

Listen to our on-demand and learn more about the recent updates from the UK regulators, a clear and comprehensive plan for Basel 3.1 and SDDT implementation and the next steps to consider.

Topics covered in the webinar will include:

  • Key takeaways from the Bank of England updates:
    • PS17/23 – Implementation of the Basel 3.1 standards near-final part 1
    • PS15/23 – The Strong and Simple Framework: Scope Criteria, Liquidity, and Disclosure Requirements
  • Examining the significance of the six-month extension: Does it really matter?
  • Strategies for addressing potential disruptions in the final months leading up to the Basel 3.1 implementation deadline.
  • Best practice implementation for Basel 3.1 and SDDT regime.
  • What lies ahead in 2024 and beyond?
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