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ComplianceESGOctober 26, 2021|UpdatedFebruary 08, 2022

Dealing with vast amounts of data? When to upgrade to BowTieXP Advanced

Are you dealing with vast amounts of data? As a risk manager time is a precious thing, and you wonder often how you can use less of it while achieving the same or even a better result.

This is where BowTieXP Advanced comes to play. As the word suggests, it is meant for the ‘more advanced’ or ‘power’ user of our software, bringing more advanced functionalities.

In this blog post we discuss two signs that indicate you would benefit from an Advanced license, especially when dealing with vast amounts of data.

1 – Risk and incident related information is scattered over multiple files and formats

It can be a challenging and time-consuming exercise when collating and updating bowtie & incident associated information. Especially if the available data is scattered over multiple files and formats. Often clients have the requirements to merge parts of this data from different sources and require assistance to ensure it’s done correctly.

BowTieXP software supports this need through different methods, making importing vast amounts of data quick and seamless. The advanced edition of BowTieXP allows you to import everything from a case file, including linked information such as activities on barriers and assigned responsibilities.

2 – You are building the same bowtie elements over and over again

Do you find yourself filling out the same bowtie elements over and over again? Not only does this take a lot of time, but it is also boring and prone to making mistakes.

BowTieXP Advanced allows you to reduce the time it takes to build a bowtie and reuse data by building a bowtie library with the scrapbook functionality. From single barriers to complete threat lines and even hazards with all associated information. Pieces of a bowtie can be dragged to quickly create a new diagram. The information is gathered from a variety of places, such as Excel or manual input. From there it can be saved into a file, separate from the case file, to build bowtie registers.

Learn more about Scrapbook.

Experience Advanced features

The features listed above are specifically convenient when you are dealing with lots of data. Do you want to learn more about these features or try out the software yourself?

Request your BowTieXP Advanced trial or contact us at [email protected].

Learn more

Want to learn more about other BowTieXP Advanced features that enhance risk management and make life easier? Check out this blog.

© CGE Risk. 2021 – The copyright of the content of this blog belongs to CGE Risk Management Solutions B.V.