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LegalJanuary 26, 2024

Executive summary: Are you a digital legal pioneer?

Corporate legal departments (CLDs) have long relied on technology to improve workflows and add value. In recent years, though, the legal technology available has advanced by leaps and bounds. That’s a relief, as CLDs are navigating significant change, from record-high caseloads to growing financial pressures.

But while most general counsels and legal operations managers are aware of the benefits of advanced technology, the ability to implement it successfully is another story. In a recent survey, 80% of respondents cited the importance of legal technology to their organization’s success, but only 35% said their organization is prepared to use it.

To come out ahead, CLD leaders must do more than pay lip service to embracing the latest technologies. Setting their departments up for immediate time and cost savings, as well as long-term success, requires them to become digital legal pioneers.

That’s what our latest whitepaper, Do time-consuming manual tasks burden your legal team?, is all about.

Are you a digital legal pioneer?

Digital legal pioneers are defined by what they aren’t just as much as what they are. They aren’t complacent. They aren’t afraid to try new things. They aren’t satisfied with the status quo.

Digital legal pioneers don’t just use software; they make it a core component of their entire legal ops function. They continually assess their technology needs, base decisions on data—not feeling—and use technology to enhance processes and workflows. And they invest in the right tools to push their businesses forward.

Do you see yourself in this description? If not, let us help put you on the path toward digital legal pioneer status. Our whitepaper delves deeper into what a digital legal pioneer is, how they help their CLDs become technologically mature and successful operations, and how you can become one.

More specifically, we describe:

  • The current state of legal operations
  • How to assess your existing technology stack
  • Powerful solutions to help you better manage matters and spend
  • How automation can reduce errors and free up attorneys for higher-value work
  • How to make AI and machine learning your CLD’s secret weapon

There’s no better time to become a digital legal pioneer

You can’t afford to lose time thanks to outdated software or by not getting the most value from existing systems. Nor can you continue to rely only on document or workflow management systems. It’s time to embrace new tools that use AI, predictive analytics, and other advances to improve matter and spend management and help your CLD gain greater efficiency.

It’s time to embrace your inner digital pioneer. Start by downloading the full whitepaper today.

Enterprise legal management
Market-leading provider of enterprise legal spend and matter management, AI-powered legal bill review, and legal analytics solutions
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