LegalMay 24, 2024

Form 5500 - What's New for 2023 Filings?

Are you looking to understand the important updates to Form 5500 better? Then plan to join us on Wednesday, May 22, 2024, at 12:00pm Central Time for Form 5500 - What's New for 2023 Filings? as Ali Bailey and Holly Godfrey-Roussel will be providing an overview of the following:

  • The new Defined Contribution Group Reporting Arrangement (DCG)
  • Multiple-Employer Retirement Plan information (MEP) schedules
  • Form 5558 changes and Extension Applications

They will also discuss some of the more commonly asked questions while reviewing the forms within the software suite.

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Form 5500 - What's New for 2023 Filings?

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