
2022 global CPM trend report: The future of finance is managing constant disruption

Exploring the state of people, processes and tech priorities in finance

COVID-19 has been the ultimate stress test for the office of finance. After two-plus years of uncertainty, finance has finally entered a time to re-evaluate technology and improve processes. But tough questions remain: 

What challenges must finance overcome? 
What technology will make an impact on financial processes? 
What upcoming disruption should finance teams prepare for? 

To answer these questions and determine how you can move forward resiliently, we surveyed 1,320 finance and business leaders of private sector enterprises with 1000+ employees across North America, Europe, and APAC about their priorities.

What finance will learn:

  • How the expectations of finance have changed 
  • The future disruption leaders anticipate and they’re preparing 
  • Common technology gaps that urgently need to be filled 
  • Finance’s short- and long-term tech priorities

Why is understanding corporate performance management trends important?

Corporate performance management (CPM) trends impact the way businesses plan, operate, and execute short- and long-term strategy. Most importantly, CPM mastery is critical to business agility in times of disruption.  

By improving CPM processes, finance and business leaders will spend less time doing menial work and more time analyzing performance data, pivoting operations, and guiding decision-making towards optimal results.

Download the 2022 global CPM trend report to learn how your peers are preparing for the future.

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