Rain Clouds
Tax & AccountingSeptember 25, 2024

How cloud-based tax and accounting software can save your accounting firm when disaster strikes

Over the past five years, there has been a significant increase in the number and severity of natural disasters in the U.S. In 2023 alone, 28 natural disasters caused over $1 billion in damage (the so-called “billion-dollar disasters), surpassing the previous record of 22 in 2020 (climate.gov). 

While 2023 was a record-setting year, every year since 2020 has had at least 18 of these “billion-dollar disasters,” and 2024 has already joined the crowd with 19 of these disasters as of August 2024 (NOAA). Over 1 in 10 businesses suffered a natural disaster-related loss in the last 12 months, according to the 2023 Small Business Credit Survey. With the increasing frequency and severity of natural disasters of all sizes, accounting firms face heightened risks that can disrupt operations, compromise sensitive data, and threaten business continuity.

But it's not just natural disasters that can do businesses serious damages. Unexpected events such as fires, theft, and power outages can be just as devastating, bringing businesses the challenges of dealing with the cost of cleanup and restoration, having to move to new premises, not to mention the mental impact on business owners and their employees. There is also the significant challenge of keeping the business up and running, which if it comes to a halt due to an unforeseen event, can cause the business a total and complete cardiac arrest.

How CCH Axcess cloud-based tax software helped Lepper & Company from complete disaster after a fire

On a seemingly ordinary Saturday morning, Lepper and Company owner Martin Lepper answered a call that no accounting firm owner wants to receive; the firm’s offices in Pinckney, MI, were struck by a devastating and unexpected fire. While no one was injured (or worse) during the fire, it destroyed one of their buildings. 

But unlike many accounting firm owners, as a Wolters Kluwer customer since 2015 and user of CCH Axcess Tax cloud-based professional tax preparation, compliance and workflow software, Martin wasn’t too concerned. He told Wolters Kluwer, “Amazingly, nobody was injured or killed, and we’re fortunate to have an outstanding fire department here in our little town. Thankfully, our data and mission-critical applications are in the cloud... Sure, there’s a mess to clean up and some other work to do. Almost nothing survived the fire. But we’ve initiated our disaster recovery plan, and we will be fully operational by Monday morning. Despite the total loss of one of our offices, the services we provide to the clients we are fortunate to serve, some of whom were also affected by this fire, won’t skip a beat.”

Small accounting firms, especially tax-focused firms like Lepper and Company, not only have strict deadlines they must meet for their clients, but they often operate with limited resources that make it challenging to recover from the impact of a fire, tornado, hurricane, or other unforeseen disaster.  To avoid business disruptions, which can lead to missed deadlines, penalties, and a loss of client trust, a proactive approach to safeguarding operations against these threats is imperative.

Particularly for small firms, the real question is, can you afford not to move to the cloud?

Martin Lepper, Owner of Lepper and Company

How to plan – and execute – migrating your accounting firm’s tech stack to the cloud

Migrating your on-premise or hybrid accounting software to the cloud requires careful planning and execution- the following overview can be helpful for tax professionals and small firms for consideration:

Identify migration needs

Start your journey to the cloud by identifying what you need to migrate. Cloud migration is not an end but a tool to increase the efficiency of your business processes.

Set migration goals

After assessing your needs, you can begin setting goals for your cloud migration. Objectives can include business outcomes you hope to gain from your cloud migration and goals for your migration.

Establish measurable benchmarks

Wherever your goals lend themselves to measurement, seek to establish benchmarks you can use to track your progress. Defining measurable benchmarks will help you manage your migration and assess its success.

Research cloud solutions

Guide your research by making a checklist of the requirements, such as software types, features, and costs, to help you identify promising solutions and eliminate unfeasible ones.

Establish your budget

With prospective vendors in mind, you can estimate the costs and budget for the cloud migration. Review current costs first to have a benchmark for comparison.

Evaluate business benefits

Once you have some prospective solutions and estimated costs, you can evaluate the impact of cloud migration on various areas of the firm, such as productivity, operating expenses, customer satisfaction, etc.

Run network backups

Before beginning any cloud migration, it’s essential to back up any data on your existing network – including any data moving to the cloud – to help protect from issues during the migration process, such as corrupt or missing file errors.

Schedule migration time

Work with your cloud provider to plan a migration strategy and schedule your migration time. If your provider anticipates significant downtime, try to schedule your migration at a time with the least impact on your staff and customers.

Train your team

Ensure that your team is well-trained in using cloud-based tools and applications. Provide ongoing training and support to help employees adapt to the new infrastructure and maximize its capabilities. This will enhance productivity and ensure your team can effectively respond to any challenges during and after a disaster.

Monitor performance benchmarks

As you begin using your new cloud provider, evaluate your solution's performance by monitoring the KPIs you selected when establishing your benchmarks. Many cloud apps feature native analytics and reporting tools you can use to track performance.

Natural disasters and unexpected events will remain an ongoing threat. By migrating to the cloud, savvy tax professionals and small accounting firms can significantly enhance their ability to respond to such challenges. A cloud-based tech stack provides robust data protection and security, storage, anytime and anywhere access, ensures business continuity, and guarantees uninterrupted client services. Wolters Kluwer offers cloud-based professional tax software solutions like CCH Axcess Tax Essentials that are designed for small tax and accounting firms in the 1 to 4 space, which keeps your data safe at all times, provides free self-guided training and free support if needed, allowing your firm to operate in the cloud and be protected from natural disasters or unforeseen events.

Embracing cloud technology is not just a strategic advantage; it is necessary for any firm aiming to thrive with the threat of unforeseen events and in a world facing increasing occurrences of natural disasters.

Expert Insights Bio Marcel van Gemert, Product Marketing, Wolters Kluwer Tax and Accounting North America
Product Marketing Manager, Tax

Marcel van Gemert is a Product Marketing Manager for Wolters Kluwer Tax & Accounting North America responsible for leading Go-To-Market strategies for CCH Axcesstm and ATXtm. Marcel earned a Bachelor's Degree in International Business from Arnhem Business School and brings 15 years of marketing experience in Financial and IT Software Services industries. He joined Wolters Kluwer in 2023 and lives in Austin, TX.

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