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ComplianceOctober 03, 2023

Keeping up with constant regulatory change

Even during the most serene market conditions, regulatory change management poses significant challenges. The sheer volume of mandates that banks must comply with is overwhelming; not only do regulations change constantly, but they can also be massive in scope and depth ― making the process nearly impossible to successfully manage without technology.

Without question, there is an incredible amount of work for lending organizations to keep up with. The flow of new or changed state laws and regulations has gone from steady but manageable to overwhelming, as evidenced in the chart below.

Source: Highlights from the 2021 Banking Regulatory & Risk Indicator Survey

Understanding what laws, rules, and regulations apply to your organization — and mapping a regulatory library to internal policies, procedures, risks, controls, products, services, organizational units, and other elements of your compliance program — is critical and expected, regardless of the size of the institution.

In this way, a regulatory library adds tremendous value as a critical feature of the regulatory change management process. In fact, when asked to rank the importance of regulatory change management process automation features, respondents in the Wolters Kluwer 2022 Risk Indicator survey overwhelmingly selected the regulatory library as the most important. A library helps banks to identify and analyze specific regulations, assess the impact, generate reports and much more.

By embracing the optimal strategies and implementing holistic technological solutions, lenders gain the control, certainty, and efficiency to successfully mitigate risk and manage ongoing regulatory changes. Investing in the right purpose-driven tools can optimize a bank’s ability to streamline, automate, and ultimately ensure compliance.

See where you stand

Wolters Kluwer provides a free, online self-assessment that can uncover regulatory change management vulnerabilities and opportunities to improve decision making.

These are high-impact questions that every lending and/or compliance leader should ask themselves to stay competitive.

See Your Score Today
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