XCMworkflow Productivity Tips & Tricks
Every piece of technology has little tricks to increase its functionality and get a few more minutes back in your day. These aren’t always new features but may be unappreciated or not used to their full potential.
To make sure you and your staff maximize the functionality and effectiveness of your XCMworkflow-related technology, we asked consultants and support staff for their top tips, whether new features or just a new way to use an existing capability. We hope that tips and tricks help you get a little more time back in your day.
If you have questions about any of the tips below, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at [email protected].
My View Customization
Your firm’s visibility needs may vary when a task is on the My View, versus when searching for a task, so why not individually customize the columns displayed on the My View and Search results pages?
Head over to the “Manage Custom Grid Settings” utility to review the list of available columns. You can make updates to your firm’s column selections and enable users to see important information faster while reducing unneeded clutter.
NOTE: users rights are needed to access this utility, and settings are applied site-wide.
Saving Custom Reports
Do you find yourself running the same report repeatedly, having to select the same filters every time, and exporting it just to hide columns? Why not save a custom report, and save that time spent exporting for something else?
The “Saved Custom Report” feature in XCMworkflow allows you to save filters, hide all unneeded columns, customize the “default sort” option, and give your custom report a name and description. The few minutes spent saving your custom report will pay dividends when you need a quick answer and don’t want to build a report from scratch.
Custom Fields in My View and Search Grid
Tired of running a detailed report every time you need one additional piece of data? Are you always looking for one more data point? XCMworkflow users can search for custom fields and save them for quick access to tagged information.
Use the keyword filter in advanced search to search for those custom fields and save the search to gain increased visibility and improve your process – no need to run a detailed report each time.
Removing Inactive Clients from Reports
Do you have clients showing up on reports, even though you’ve already made them inactive? That may be because making a client inactive is only the first step to hiding them from the report.
To remove completed and/or inactive tasks from reports, switch the task status to either “NLC” or “No Longer Task/To Be Deleted.” From there, you can permanently delete the tasks using the “Delete Tasks and Purge Data” utility or exclude these statuses from future reports.
Custom Field Drop-Down Lists
Are you still manually typing in text or using a date in your custom fields? Why not offer users the convenience (and time-savings) of a multiple-choice drop-down list to choose from?
Head over to the “Manage Custom Fields” utility and change the field type to “text,” and then select your options, adding new ones if necessary. Once those options are saved, your users will have access to a multiple-choice drop-down list for their custom field!
That’s it for this edition of XCMworkflow tips and tricks. Hopefully the suggestions above help you and your staff be a little more productive, gain back a little more time in the day, and utilize your technology tools to the fullest.
Until next time, stay safe, healthy, and productive!