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We'll help secure an Illinois Certificate of Good Standing for your business

Illinois Domestic Entity Certificate of Good Standing

A State of Illinois Certificate of Good Standing for a domestic entity includes the following information:

  • LLCs: An Illinois Certificate of Good Standing for an LLC certifies the LLC’s formation date; that the LLC is a domestic entity; that the LLC has appeared to have complied with state statutes governing LLCs; and that the LLC is in good standing.
  • Corporations: An Illinois Certificate of Good Standing issued for a corporation confirms the date of incorporation; that the corporation is a domestic entity; that the corporation has appeared to have complied with state statutes governing corporations; and that the corporation is in good standing.

Illinois Foreign Entity Certificate of Good Standing

A Certificate of Good Standing for a foreign entity registered in Illinois may include the following information:

  • State of organization (domestic state)
  • Entity name
  • Foreign qualification date
  • Statement that the foreign entity is in good standing
Secure this document to prove your business exists and remains in compliance with state requirements.

Certificate of Good Standing

$94 +state fees*

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Illinois Certificate of Good Standing FAQs
  • What is an Illinois Certificate of Good Standing?

    Illinois Certificate of Good Standing is a state-issued document that confirms the existence of a business in the state of Illinois and that entity has fulfilled “good standing” requirements (ex. filing annual reports, paying required fees). The Office of the Illinois Secretary of State is responsible for issuing Certificates of Good Standing.

    Other names for this document include “certificate of existence”, “certificate of status”, “certificate of authorization”, and “standing certificate”.

  • Why is “good standing” important for your Illinois business?
    Being in good standing allows a corporation, LLC, or other statutory entity in Illinois to maintain the rights and privileges of doing business as that statutory entity. Good standing certificates are required when expanding to other states and may be required for financing, business transactions, and licensing. The consequences of losing good standing can include fines, the inability to file a lawsuit, the inability to do business in other states, and the administrative dissolution of your business.
  • When do you need an Illinois Certificate of Good Standing?
    An Illinois Certificate of Good Standing is required when your business expands to another state (otherwise known as a foreign qualification) and needs to register in that state as a foreign corporation or LLC. In addition, lenders, investors, and vendors often require a Certificate of Good Standing before doing business with a company. You may need to submit a Certificate of Good Standing to obtain licensure, or it may be required for other business transactions, such as a merger or acquisition.
  • How do I obtain an Illinois Certificate of Good Standing?
    You can order an Illinois Certificate of Good Standing online today from CT Corporation or contact us for additional information.
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*State fees are mandatory fees imposed by the state. Price includes online discount automatically applied at checkout. Discount is for new customers only.
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