Building optimized, embedded clinical workflows

For years, the health industry has needed to optimize processes and workflows to reduce rising costs and address increasing clinician burnout, and these challenges have only been further exacerbated by the global COVID-19 pandemic.

Leading health technology and cloud solutions embedded into clinical workflows can transform the healthcare experience and outcomes of patients. These solutions can standardize clinician decision-making process, provide evidence-based information at the point of care, empower patient partnerships, automate administrative processes, and alleviate clinician and staff burdens. Having access to available health data is also crucial to identifying existing inefficiencies, reducing health inequities, and influencing care decisions.

However, health data and patient information are often siloed, unstructured, and difficult to access, creating workflow barriers and impeding evidence-based decision-making. Innovative health technologies powered by AI and natural language processing (NLP) plus data normalization and interoperability tools can provide key insights to help health administrators reduce inefficiencies and waste while also personalizing care decisions.

Solutions for optimizing workflow in healthcare at hospitals and health systems

Clinical teams need optimized workflows and processes now more than ever to mitigate growing burnout. Implementing workflow analysis in healthcare, integrated solutions, data insights, real-time alerts, and evidence-based information at the point of care can alleviate clinician workloads, improve efficiencies, and positively impact care delivery.

Solutions for Optimizing Healthcare Workflows for Pharmacies

By providing solutions that enhance pharmacy workflow, ensure regulatory compliance, and synchronize drug data, healthcare professionals are further empowered to boost patient safety, minimize adverse events, and improve medication adherence.

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