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ECG Interpretation Made Incredibly Easy!
- Publication Year:
- 2024
- Edition:
- 8th Ed.
- Author:
- Carolyn Bruno
- Publisher:
- Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (LWW)
- 978-1-97-523610-6
Also Recommended
Learn to interpret rhythm strips in simple, stress-free ways, with the popular ECG Interpretation Made Incredibly Easy!®, 8th Edition.
Recognize and treat a wide variety of arrhythmias with this vital text — an ideal study aid for students and a friendly on-the-unit support for practicing nurses. Offering expert direction, this edition is freshly updated, fully illustrated, and packed with learning aids that support your understanding and retention in obtaining and interpreting rhythm strips.
Chapter features include:
Recognize and treat a wide variety of arrhythmias with this vital text — an ideal study aid for students and a friendly on-the-unit support for practicing nurses. Offering expert direction, this edition is freshly updated, fully illustrated, and packed with learning aids that support your understanding and retention in obtaining and interpreting rhythm strips.
- NEWand updated content in a quick-read, bulleted format that makes it easy to spot important points at a glance
- Expert guidanceon obtaining and interpreting 12-lead ECGs and ACLS algorithms
- ECG basics; the fundamentals of cardiac anatomy and physiology, and of obtaining and interpreting a rhythm strip
- Expert direction on how to recognize arrhythmias– sinus node, atrial, junctional arrhythmias, ventricular arrhythmias, and atrioventricular blocks
- Seasoned nursing insight on treating arrhythmias – pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic treatments
- Dozens of colorful diagrams and illustrations that outline core terms and concepts, with easy-to-retain definitions of key terms
- Sidebars that highlight key facts about ECG interpretation
Chapter features include:
- Ages and stages identifies variations in ECGs related to patient age.
- Now I get it offers crystal-clear explanations of complex procedures, such as how to use an automated external defibrillator.
- Don’t skip this strip identifies arrhythmias that have the most serious consequences.
- Mixed signals provides tips on how to solve the most common problems in ECG monitoring and interpretation.
- I can’t waste time highlights key points you need to know about each arrhythmia for quick reviews.
- Platform:
- OvidSP
- Publisher:
- Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (LWW)
- Product Type:
- Book
- Author:
- Carolyn Bruno
- 978-1-97-523610-6
- Specialty:
- Cardiology
- Critical Care
- Critical Care Medicine
- Internal Medicine
- Medical/Surgical Nursing
- Pathophysiology
- Primary Care/Family Medicine/General Practice
- Language:
- English
- Edition:
- 8th Ed.
- Pages:
- 470
- Publication Year:
- 2024
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