UpToDate is your partner in keeping up with today’s evolving care delivery models

Healthcare consumers seek easily accessible care, prompting retail health and pharmacies to create community-based approaches. UpToDate helps prepare these organizations to lead and deliver appropriate care that drives improved outcomes in the face of mounting challenges.

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Patients are ready for tomorrow’s care team today

Healthcare consumers increasingly see opportunities to receive care in non-traditional ways. In fact, care delivery that is easily accessible is becoming more of a priority to today’s patient. Retail health and pharmacies are stepping in to create a community-based approach to care that meets these demands. In the face of provider shortages and growing healthcare deserts, moving care into settings already embedded into the local community can help create a more equitable health system.

How can pharmacies and other retail settings with limited healthcare experience adapt to deliver appropriate care that drives improved outcomes?

Pharmacy Medical Inventory Inspection Audit
Unify care teams with trusted clinical content

How can retail health and pharmacies be leaders in this shift in care delivery? By adopting a more integrated approach that connects care team decisions from the point-of-care to across the health ecosystem. This approach will provide healthcare professionals with trusted and proven tools, cutting-edge technology, and aligned evidence-based information wherever care takes place.

Organizations and care teams globally trust and choose UpToDate® and Medi-Span® to provide access to trusted, reliable, evidence-based content and data in workflow.

Explore the latest insights for pharmacies and retail health from UpToDate

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