
The New England Journal of Medicine on Ovid®

The “gold standard” for research and best practices in clinical medicine, now exclusively on Ovid

Dedicated to bringing the best research and key information to clinical practice, the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) is known as a career companion for physicians — keeping practicing physicians informed on developments that are important to their patients. The highly rigorous peer-review and editing process to evaluate manuscripts ensures scientific accuracy, novelty, and importance.

NEJM on Ovid® offers landmark research, clinical insights, and medical breakthroughs in over 125 areas all accessible through the world’s most trusted medical research platform.

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Ovid® Synthesis 

EBP and QI workflow solution

Built in collaboration with healthcare leaders who prioritize patient-centered care and quality improvement, Ovid Synthesis is an evidence-based workflow solution to streamline EBP and QI projects and reporting.

Who we help:
  • Nurse leadership, Hospital QI, and Magnet® staff
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  • Quality improvement teams and educators
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Unlock the unknown with Ovid®
Ovid, the world’s most trusted medical research platform, has been a vital part of healthcare for over 20 years. Ovid’s flagship platform is the leading choice globally among clinicians, researchers, educators and students in the medical, scientific and academic fields.


Ovid 是全球最值得信賴的醫學搜尋平台,作為健康照護的命脈已超過 20 年。Ovid 的旗艦平台在醫學、科學和學術領域方面是臨床醫師、研究者、教育者和學生們共通的頂級選擇。

Ovid 透過單一整合解決方案傳遞上千筆全文期刊文章、eBook (電子書)、資料庫資源和工作流程。Ovid 提供客製化解決方案,充分整合一流的科技工具,提高搜尋精確度和加快工作流程、最大化研究生產力。

由獲獎的客戶服務提供超過 20 種語言支援,Ovid 是所有現正從事健康照護工作人士的一站式解決方案。我們提供首屈一指的醫學、護理和專職醫療內容、臨床決策支援工具、藥物資訊和患者監控、結構化檔案和編碼、健康照護用詞、資料管理和系統互通性解決方案、精準醫學研究工具,以及持續醫學教育解決方案。


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作為全世界最值得信賴的醫學研究平台,Ovid 可協助圖書館員努力改善健康照護、教育和研究的品質。

指導 & 示範

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Ovid Discovery
Lippincott Solutions
Ovid Health Administration & Health Policy Journal Collection
Ovid Health Administration & Health Policy Book Collection

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Ovid 融入臨床醫師的工作流程,提供設計於協助改善患者結果、增加生產力與刺激新發現,並促成終生學習的客製化臨床和研究解決方案。

Ovid Discovery
Stedman’s Online
Evidence-Based Medicine Reviews

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Ovid 特別定位為提供護理師們在學習、照護和參考當下的需求。與 Lippincott Solutions (解決方案) 合作,Ovid 可提供完整的解決方案,將護理師從教室帶往臨床甚至更遠。

American Journal of Nursing
Joanna Briggs Institute

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Ovid 提供教師取用來自超過 120 個最佳出版商的素材,包括超過 6 百萬筆影像、影片和播客。利用單一查詢輕鬆同時搜尋所有 Ovid 資源,讓教師能發掘最新研究以及可用於教導的素材。

Medical Education
Journal of Physician Assistant Education
Acland’s Anatomy
Bates’ Visual Guide

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專職醫療、護理和醫學生都能透過下列 Ovid 資源在學習上搶得先機:

AudioDigest Platinum
LWW Health Library
Bates’ Visual Guide
Acland’s Anatomy
BioDigital Human

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