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Uflacker's Atlas of Vascular Anatomy: An Angiographic Approach
- Publication Year:
- 2020
- Edition:
- 3rd
- Author:
- Uflacker, Andre; Guimaraes, Marcelo
- Publisher:
- Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (LWW)
- 978-1-49-635601-7
- Doody's Star Rating®:
- Score:
- 90
- Doody Core Title Score:
- 1.7 (Vascular Surgery)
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Selected as a Doody's Core Title for 2023!
Offering detailed, well-illustrated coverage of the vascular anatomy seen on all imaging modalities, Atlas of Vascular Anatomy: An Angiographic Approach, 3rd edition, presents the complete anatomy of the arteries, veins, and lymphatic system by body region.
Experts in the field, each trained by Dr. Andre Uflacker, provide thorough updates throughout the text, including new slides and anatomical variations. This edition reflects recent advances in technology as well as new understandings of anatomy, making it an invaluable resource for vascular interventional radiologists and fellows, as well as surgeons, cardiologists, residents, and medical students.
Key Features:
Offering detailed, well-illustrated coverage of the vascular anatomy seen on all imaging modalities, Atlas of Vascular Anatomy: An Angiographic Approach, 3rd edition, presents the complete anatomy of the arteries, veins, and lymphatic system by body region.
Experts in the field, each trained by Dr. Andre Uflacker, provide thorough updates throughout the text, including new slides and anatomical variations. This edition reflects recent advances in technology as well as new understandings of anatomy, making it an invaluable resource for vascular interventional radiologists and fellows, as well as surgeons, cardiologists, residents, and medical students.
Key Features:
- Covers all the vascular territories, including correlations with function and other critical anatomical structures related to the clinical and surgical application of vascular anatomy.
- Correlates angiographic images with full-color drawings to guide evaluation, management, and treatment.
- Includes additional variations of anatomy and new histology slides where appropriate.
- Contains numerous 3D cinematic volume-rendered reconstructions that provide exceptional visual clarity.
- Platform:
- OvidSP
- Publisher:
- Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (LWW)
- Product Type:
- Book
- Author:
- Uflacker, Andre; Guimaraes, Marcelo
- 978-1-49-635601-7
- Specialty:
- Radiology
- Rehabilitation & Physical Medicine
- Residents
- Language:
- English
- Edition:
- 3rd
- Pages:
- 1035
- Publication Year:
- 2020
- Doody's Star Rating®:
- Score:
- 90
- Doody Core Title Score:
- 1.7 (Vascular Surgery)
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