To assist you with sharing information about Ovid’s products and services within your organization, below is a list of downloadable PDF product information sheets to view further information on select Ovid products.


Comprehensive Research on Ovid
Ovid Clinical Edge
Ovid Discovery
Ovid Medline
Ovid Medline Advantage
Ovid Midwifery Edge
Ovid Nursing Edge
Ovid Open Access
Ovid Synthesis
Resources for Resident Education


Acland’s Video Atlas of Human Anatomy
American Psychological Association (APA) Resources
APA PsycTherapy®
AudioDigest Platinum
Bates’ Visual Guide to Physical Examination
BioCyc Genome Database Collection
BioDigital XR
CAB Abstracts
Continuous Professional Improvement and Case in Point from the American College of Radiology®
Embase® Product Suite on Ovid®
Evidence-Based Medicine Reviews (EBMR)
French Local Literature Module for Embase®
Global Health Database
Health and Psychosocial Instruments (HaPI)
JBI Evidence-Based Practice Resources
MIDIRS Resources
Northern Light Life Sciences Conference Abstracts
OrthoEvidence on Ovid®
Ovid Emcare
Social Policy and Practice (SPP)
Stedman’s Online


CABI eBook Collections
DeVita, Hellman and Rosenberg’s Cancer: Principles and Practice of Oncology, Twelfth Edition
Drug Information Full Text (DIFT)
eBooks from the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS)
eBooks from the American Diabetes Association (ADA)
eBooks from the American Nurses Association (ANA)
eBooks from the Oncology Nursing Society (ONS)
GIDEON eBook Collection
LWW Classic Books Collection
LWW Doody’s Core Collection 2023
LWW Doody’s Essential Collection 2023
Online Books from JBI
Springer Nature Book Collection on Ovid®
The Washington Manual® of Medical Therapeutics

LWW Health Library Collections

LWW Health Library Overview
LWW Health Library Full Collection Details
LWW Health Library: ACSM Certification Suite
LWW Health Library: Advanced Practice Nursing
LWW Health Library: Anatomical Sciences
LWW Health Library: Anesthesiology
LWW Health Library: Basic Sciences
LWW Health Library: Board Review Series
LWW Health Library: Clerkship/Clinical Rotations
LWW Health Library: Clinical Pharmacy
LWW Health Library: Cornerstone Pharmaceutical Sciences
LWW Health Library: Critical Care
LWW Health Library: Emergency Medicine
LWW Health Library: Exercise Science
LWW Health Library: Exercise Science and ACSM Certification Suite
LWW Health Library: Integrated Basic Sciences
LWW Health Library: Integrated Pharmacy
LWW Health Library: Internal Medicine
LWW Health Library: Lippincott Illustrated Reviews (LIR)
LWW Health Library: Made Incredibly Easy!®
LWW Health Libraries for Medical Education
LWW Health Library: Neurology
LWW Health Library: OBGYN
LWW Health Library: Occupational Therapy
LWW Health Library: Oncology
LWW Health Library: Orthopaedic Surgery
LWW Health Library: Osteopathic Medicine
LWW Health Library: PA Core Education
LWW Health Library: PA Rotations/Specialties
LWW Health Library: Pathology
LWW Health Library: Pharmacy
LWW Health Library: Physical Therapy
LWW Health Library: Physician Assistant
LWW Health Library: Premium Basic Sciences
LWW Health Library: Premium Pharmacy
LWW Health Library: Psychiatry
LWW Health Library: Residency
LWW Health Library: Speech, Language & Hearing
LWW Health Library: Surgery


American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD)
American Diabetes Association Content on Ovid®
American Heart Association/American Stroke Association (AHA/ASA) Journals on Ovid®
American Society of Nephrology (ASN) Journals on Ovid®
ASCO JCO® Digital Library
Congress of Neurological Surgeons (CNS) Journals
Current Opinion Journal Series from Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Healthcare Specialty Journal Collections
The JBJS Portfolio
Journal of the American Medical Association on Ovid®
Lippincott® UpToDate Reviewed Journals Collection
LWW Archives through 2018
LWW Clinical Consult Collection
LWW High Impact Collection
LWW Nursing and Health Professions Premier Collection with Ovid® Emcare
LWW Total Access Collection
New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM)
NEJM Archive
NEJM Catalyst Innovations in Care Delivery
NEJM Evidence
NEJM Journal Watch
Ovid Clinical & Hospital LWW Essential Collection
Ovid® Nursing Full Text PLUS with Ovid® Emcare
Ovid® Nursing Solutions for Community Colleges
Ovid® Nursing Solution for Vocational Training
Pharmaceutical Science Journals from Elsevier
Premium E-Journals from Wiley-Blackwell


VisualDx® Clinical
VisualDx® for Dermatology
VisualDx® for Emergency Medicine
VisualDx® for Medical Schools
VisualDx® for Primary Care
Infographic: Improving Diagnosis of Skin Conditions with VisualDx Using Apple Core ML
Infographic: The Value of VisualDx Quality Care Begins with an Accurate Diagnosis

Subject Areas

Agriculture & Earth/Plant Sciences
Anatomy & Physiology
Animal and Veterinary Sciences
Critical Care Medicine
Emergency Medicine and Critical Care
Food Science & Nutrition
Gastroenterology & Hepatology
Health Professions
Nephrology & Urology
Obstetrics & Gynecology
Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine
Pain Management & Anesthesiology
Public Health
Pulmonary Medicine
Rehabilitation & Physical Therapy
Resources for Resident Education


ACC CardioSource Plus®
Astute Doctor Communicate Program
Behavioral Health Collections on Ovid®
Evidence-Based Health Collection (EBHC) on Ovid®
Full-Text Resources from the American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP)
FX Conference Presentations
Lippincott Advisor® for Higher Education
Lippincott® TelemedInsights
OTA Online
Ovid® Deposit Account Service
Ovid® Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) Collection
Ovid® PayPerView Service
Ovid® Physical Therapy Advantage Collection
Ovid® Search Builder
Springer Nature Book Collections

Support Services

E-Journals on Ovid Platform Features and Support Services
Ovid® Linksolver
Ovid® LMS Integration
Ovid Tools and Widgets
Ovid Training & Support Services
UpToDate® Full Text Links User Guide
Value Added Services

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