The total economic impact of UpToDate – A case study based on the experience of a public and a private hospital in Brazil

Forrester Consulting. A Forrester Total Economic Impact™ Study Prepared for Wolters Kluwer Health. December 2016.

To evaluate the potential financial impact of UpToDate on organizations, Forrester interviewed representatives from a public and a private (nonprofit) hospital in Brazil, both with multiple years of experience using UpToDate.

The analysis was based on a hospital in Brazil with 500 beds, approximately 4,000 employees (including 800 physicians), with 24,000 admissions, 570,000 outpatient visits per year and an annual budget of approximately R$800 million.

UpToDate has potential to improve the quality of care while reducing costs

All interviewed physicians felt that the widespread use of UpToDate improved the quality of care. They noted several potential impact areas, including physician productivity gains, avoidance of unnecessary referrals, reduced length of stay, avoidance of unnecessary diagnostic tests, and increased physician satisfaction.

Conservatively estimating the impact of physician productivity gains and avoidance of unnecessary referrals for a composite hospital, Forrester’s analysis points to quantifiable benefits of R$1.1 million versus total costs of R$270,000, adding up to a net present value (NPV) of approximately R$816,000 over the three years of the analysis (Figure 1).

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The total economic impact of UpToDate’s Clinical Decision Support System for healthcare institutions: A case study of Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust

Forrester Consulting. A Forrester Total Economic Impact™ Study Prepared for UpToDate. November 2011.

In May 2011, Forrester Consulting examined the total economic impact and potential return on investment (ROI) UK hospitals may realize by deploying UpToDate’s clinical decision support solution.

This study illustrates the financial impact of using UpToDate clinical decision support within the Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust (SRFT), a large teaching hospital near Manchester, UK. SRFT employs more than 5,000 staff members treating some 400,000 patients annually and has subscribed to the UpToDate service for seven years.

An analysis of UpToDate use at SRFT and subsequent financial analysis found that SRFT’s use of UpToDate resulted in significant improvements in the quality of care, staff productivity, and diagnostic test efficiencies. SRFT experienced quantifiable ROI, covering all the costs of the service within 90 days.

   UpToDate: One-Year, Risk-Adjusted Benefits, Costs, and ROI Summary


Payback period

Total benefits

Total costs


< 3 months



Source: Forrester Research, Inc.

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