ComplianceJune 02, 2023

Five things you need to know about Control of Work

Download this whitepaper to learn how Control of Work is effective in empowering your employees to manage routine and non-routine hazards they encounter at work.

What’s inside

Every day, employees who are expecting a routine workday find themselves in a hazardous situation that leaves them injured or worse. Every day, hundreds of workers around the world lose their lives because their exposure to known workplace hazards was not controlled. In other words, these known hazards were not anticipated, identified, communicated, managed, mitigated, or eliminated.

Control of Work is the most effective, efficient way to guide employees through routine and non-routine safety risks and provides a protocol for safely managing risk. For environment, health, and safety (EHS) professionals, risk managers, operations managers, maintenance managers, and plant managers, this means cross-functional collaboration and engagement with frontline workers are required to manage hazards in real time.

Key takeaways

  • How Control of Work guides your employees in safely conducting routine and non-routine tasks
  • Why effective Control of Work greatly reduces risks to your workers and operations
  • The elements that are part of a Control of Work framework
  • How Control of Work software enables EHS in real time
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