The National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) ranks organizations based on their scores, and rankings are intended to help consumers make comparisons and informed decisions about where to seek care and purchase insurance coverage. Therefore, HEDIS scores help healthcare payers and providers stand out from competition and attract new business.
Helping diabetic patients prevent retinopathy at Summa Health System
Summa Health System in Akron, Ohio sought to provide cost effective, high-quality outreach to manage the health of its populations when outside the clinical setting. They utilized EmmiPrevent® interactive call campaigns to target diabetic patients and inquire whether they completed an eye exam for diabetic retinopathy. Of those, 289 diabetic patients were identified as having a “care opportunity,” meaning they were due for an eye exam or their records were not up to date. Emmi made calls to these patients over a six-week period and, after the call campaign, the impact of these calls on Summa Health’s HEDIS measure percentile ranking was measured.
The result
After six weeks, EmmiPrevent identified that 43% of patients reached had an eye exam and the calls provided instructions on how to send their results to Summa. Of those, 23% took action and updated their eye exam records. Due to this brief outreach, Summa Health System improved its HEDIS1 measure percentile ranking by 13%.