Sentri7 Analytics on Ipad
HealthFebruary 12, 2020

Case study: Targeting high-cost antibiotics to decrease pharmacy spend and improve overall patient care

This case study explores how a health system customer utilized Sentri7® Pharmacy to target high-cost antibiotics, to decrease spend and uphold high-quality patient care.

Looking across a large health system enterprise, a system director of pharmacy saw an opportunity to educate prescribers about a high-cost antibiotic to improve appropriate prescribing in accordance to the system’s AMS program. The antibiotic, ertapenem (INVANZ), has been considered a niche carbapenem due to its lack of antipseudomonal activity. While its once daily dosing is beneficial in outpatient or home infusion settings, it was identified as a target for an inpatient drug initiative in five key hospitals.

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Sentri7® Pharmacy
Sentri7 Pharmacy identifies patients early and accurately to improve patient care, safety, and drive pharmacy cost savings by optimizing medication therapies.
Empower your pharmacy team to impact patient care through evidence-based recommendations, standardizing practices via pharmacy-specific workflows, and using robust analytics to drive improvements in medication therapy, Opioid Stewardship, and Antimicrobial Stewardship.
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