Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) has emerged at the forefront of investment decisions and societal expectations. With a greater focus on sustainability and long-term stewardship, Internal Audit leaders recognize a need to stay ahead of and shine a light on ESG related risks. Internal Auditors need to understand and have clear direction on how to identify, measure, report and mitigate ESG related risks.
Join Wolters Kluwer TeamMate and Kevin Gould, Audit Committee Chair and Internal Audit consultant for a discussion on ESG and Internal Audit – understanding the basics, key drivers, risk considerations and skills needed. Attendees will also hear Kevin focus on some examples for practical application.
ESGConformité27 janvier, 2022
ESG and Your Role as an Internal Auditor
Learning Objectives:
- Understand the 3 elements of ESG and why they are increasingly important
- Understand why ESG should be part of Internal Audit’s plan
- Consider what skills and tools Internal Auditors need
View the on-demand webinar.
Note: CPE is not offered on this webinar recording. We offer CPE credits on many of our live webinars. Click here to view our upcoming webinar calendar.
Build a strong ESG assurance foundation with a future-ready internal audit solution.
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