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JBJS Essential Surgical Techniques
- Editors:
- Swiontkowski, Marc F., MD; Cheng, Edward Y., MD
- Publisher:
- Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (LWW)
- 2160-2204
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The premier journal describing how to perform orthopaedic surgical procedures, verified by evidence-based outcomes, vetted by peer review, while utilizing online delivery, imagery and video to optimize the educational experience, thereby enhancing patient care.
This online journal is for orthopaedic surgeons, from seasoned veterans to those just starting out in this field, and offers readers a continuously expanding online library of thoroughly vetted surgical procedures.
Available as part of The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery bundle.
The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery- Bundle
Coverage starts from 2011
Archives available for purchase
This online journal is for orthopaedic surgeons, from seasoned veterans to those just starting out in this field, and offers readers a continuously expanding online library of thoroughly vetted surgical procedures.
- Easy to Read, Easy to Absorb: Each surgical procedure is described step by step and illustrated extensively with images to encourage greater understanding of the procedure and concepts. Video excerpts are frequent features. Indications, contraindications, pitfalls, and challenges are clearly highlighted.
- Peer-reviewed and derived from a top-quality published clinical article: Readers can be confident that these procedures are based on solid scientific concepts, because all articles contain outcomes that have been reported on in previously published peer-reviewed publications. JBJS EST articles are subjected to the same rigorous editorial, peer-review, and copyediting process that has established The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery's reputation for excellence.
Available as part of The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery bundle.
The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery- Bundle
Coverage starts from 2011
Archives available for purchase
- Platform:
- OvidSP
- Publisher:
- Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (LWW)
- Product Type:
- Journal
- Author:
- Swiontkowski, Marc F., MD; Cheng, Edward Y., MD
- 2160-2204
- Specialty:
- Orthopedics
- Surgery
- Language:
- English
- Coverage:
- See Description
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