Finance18 mai, 2023

Predictive forecasting within xP&A: Unleash the potential of enterprise plans

FP&A Trends 2023 Global Research Report

Explore how your peers are unleashing the power of predictive forecasting by adopting an xP&A approach.   

Predictive planning and forecasting tools are changing the status quo of planning. It’s well known that predictive planning has the potential to support companies through turbulent business environments, but many are left asking, how? 

The research shows the answer is Extended Planning and Analysis (xP&A). 

FP&A Trends’ 2023 report, Maximizing Potential: Unleashing the Power of Predictive Planning & Forecasting within xP&A, illuminates how organizations are transforming their planning and forecasting processes by combining predictive analytics with xP&A to create a more analytical and harmonized approach to enterprise-wide planning.

What you’ll learn:

  • A detailed framework for predictive forecasting solutions and adoption
  • Your position on the Predictive Planning and Forecasting Maturity Model
  • PFF case studies from leading organizations, like Microsoft, Moderna, Lonza, and United Airlines
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