A great honor for Kevin Entricken, CFO of Wolters Kluwer. During a recent CFO dinner he was named CFO of the year 2021 by his Dutch peers.
Kevin Entricken CFO Wolters Kluwer wins Dutch CFO Award 2021
Wolters Kluwer is honored that our CFO, Kevin Entricken was named the CFO of the year 2021 for the Netherlands.
From the jury report: "With his extensive industry knowledge Kevin is an ideal sparring partner of CEO Nancy McKinstry – and he has been instrumental to the long-term value creation journey of Wolters Kluwer throughout the years.”
Since 2002, the Dutch Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Community has given the CFO Award to a CFO who has achieved exceptional performance in recent years. This year, the jury looked at factors including how visible the CFO is externally, and the extent to which the CFO is seen as role model for his colleagues. The jury also looked at the role of the CFO internally on strategic topics like innovation and sustainability.
Since he started at Wolters Kluwer in 2003, Kevin Entricken has worked with many different businesses and functions. As CFO of Wolters Kluwer Health he played a major role in transforming the Health portfolio. Since 2013, Kevin is CFO and a member of the Executive Board.
Despre Wolters Kluwer
Wolters Kluwer (EURONEXT: WKL) este un lider global în informații, soluții și servicii software pentru profesioniștii din domeniile sănătate, fiscalitate și contabilitate, conformitate financiară și corporativă, juridic și reglementare, performanță corporativă și ESG. Ajutăm clienții noștri să ia decizii critice în fiecare zi prin furnizarea de soluții specializate care îmbină cunoștințele aprofundate în domeniu cu tehnologia și serviciile.