Abstract data planes emerging
Sundhedjuni 17, 2019

Harnessing the power of data to advance value-based care

Payers shifting to value-based care are finding they need higher-quality data, as well as more efficient data management, to power their initiatives.

Harnessing the Power of Data to Advance Value-based CareBetter data quality and a good data management strategy allow payers to improve compliance and analytics while identifying and addressing any gaps in care. They provide a single source of truth to guide value-based care initiatives and ensure providers are correctly reimbursed for providing better care to plan members.

Guide & advance value-based care initiatives with higher-quality data

Read this white paper to learn how your plan optimizes data quality assurance and brings the highest-value care to members in the most efficient way possible.

Fill out the form to download the whitepaper.


Health Language Data Interoperability
Manage and maintain your enterprise healthcare data in a single platform for authoring, modeling, and mapping to industry standards to enable semantic interoperability.
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