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Finance 03 février, 2022


Accelerating Financial Close processes and optimizing performance with CCH® Tagetik and SAP HANA®

CCH®Tagetik with SAP HANA is increasingly important for our office of finance. Its high performance enables a continuous transformation process.
Giuseppe Scianguetta, Director, Factory & Architecture Technology and Solutions, Acea Group
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The Challenge

  • Disconnected, siloed processes inhibited accounting alignment
  • Tools for qualitative and quantitative analysis were slow and unresponsive
  • Lacked the means to manage large amounts of data with analytical detail
  • Long data collection and processing times

La solution apportée par CCH Tagetik

  • Accelerated financial close and real-time reporting processes through advanced data integration capabilities and hourly feeds, leading to the ability to manage 10x more data across processes for improved transparency
  • Improved user experience as a result of faster response times for data loading, data entry and reporting
  • Enhanced financial processes, consolidation, budgeting, planning, and management reporting
  • Increased performance enabled by SAP HANA allowed Acea to benefit from robust data for granularity and volume available for processes
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CCH® Tagetik
Clôture comptable et consolidation
Grâce au logiciel de clôture comptable et de consolidation statutaire CCH Tagetik, nous prenons en charge les tâches complexes pour vous permettre d’accélérer le processus de clôture financière.
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