Consulting Services

Our toll-free Consulting Service provides quick access to reliable information from experienced consultants. We’re ready to answer questions, assist with reporting requirements, and explain regulatory changes. Save time and get the right answer the first time—99 percent of all questions are answered on the first call. You can feel secure knowing you have a place to turn for answers.

Whether your account owner has a quick question, you need help with reporting requirements, or you want clarification on recent regulatory changes, our Consulting Service is always just a phone call away. Our consulting staff can assist you with questions concerning: Contribution Eligibility, Contribution Limits, Rollovers and Transfers, Distributions, Recharacterizations, IRS Penalties and more and is available to answer your calls from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. (CST) Monday through Friday (excluding holidays and meeting times).

Onesumx® Policies and Procedures

Saving compliance professionals time by streamlining the maintenance of policies and procedures. 

Every institution faces challenges in assembling, revising and distributing policy manuals. We created the Policies and Procedures solution to automate the process and provide much needed visibility and accountability. 
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