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Practical Guide to Emergency Telehealth, A
- Publication Year:
- 2021
- Edition:
- 1st
- Author:
- Sikka, Neal
- Publisher:
- Oxford University Press
- 978-0-19-006647-5
This book is an effort to reveal new opportunities for emergency medicine to meet the demands of a evolving healthcare environment.
Emergency clinicians will be asked to provide highly coordinated and cost-effective care, leveraging technology, and effective communication all in the context of social determinants of the individual patients’ health. Each chapter within this book provides a view into well established or novel emergency telehealth program or concept and seeks to provide the reader with some context as to the state of emergency telehealth. As a primer, it helps the reader quickly get up to speed on basic telehealth concepts followed by two sections. The first shares emergency telehealth use cases in which the ED is the orginating site, with topics that may be well known like telestroke. The second section explores new opportunities for emergency medicine clincians to offer services outside the four walls of the ED or using new technologies to expand the reach of emergency medicine such in correctional care and teleultrasound.
Emergency clinicians will be asked to provide highly coordinated and cost-effective care, leveraging technology, and effective communication all in the context of social determinants of the individual patients’ health. Each chapter within this book provides a view into well established or novel emergency telehealth program or concept and seeks to provide the reader with some context as to the state of emergency telehealth. As a primer, it helps the reader quickly get up to speed on basic telehealth concepts followed by two sections. The first shares emergency telehealth use cases in which the ED is the orginating site, with topics that may be well known like telestroke. The second section explores new opportunities for emergency medicine clincians to offer services outside the four walls of the ED or using new technologies to expand the reach of emergency medicine such in correctional care and teleultrasound.
- Platform:
- OvidSP
- Publisher:
- Oxford University Press
- Product Type:
- Book
- Author:
- Sikka, Neal
- 978-0-19-006647-5
- Specialty:
- Emergency Medical Technology
- Emergency Medicine & Trauma
- Health Systems & Services
- Primary Care/Family Medicine/General Practice
- Language:
- English
- Edition:
- 1st
- Pages:
- 328
- Publication Year:
- 2021
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